TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16202

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Once again, I'm lost. the Teebub's birthday group thingy says there was activity over there yesterday. However it oes not show up. Can any of you technical whizzes explain?


Oh! And Stir. Congrats!!!

Yep Robbie, I noticed the glitch a couple days ago. Said the recent activity was "X" amount of time ago, BUT, there was no sign of activity. (SIGH) 

The only thing I can think of is that possibly someone posted, and then deleted the post. 

Total speculation.

Sad and angry and surprised...

That does not sound good, Quinn.

Wanna elaborate here? In private?

I'm around.

(and you can call me, if you do it soon, before I go to bed. and if it's pressing, go ahead & call me after I've gone to bed)

I'm gonna crash. Hope every thing turns out for the best Quinn!!!

Peace, Love, and Monster Hugs


'night, Teebs. I'm right behind you.

Quinn, Hope things get better. If there is anything I can do let me know.

O, I'm sorry :)
Watching the news about Penn State and Joe Paterno.

This is all so sad, those poor boys and their families.

I am surprised and angry that Paterno didnt do more...he talked frequently about his players and his football program being morally sound...

The Paterno story and his influence with Penn State is a long story...

Quinn, After I answered. It hit me that it was probably about Penn State. It is a pretty sorry mess. I don't see how it could have been let go on for that long.  But it is not that unusual. It has happened many times in the Boy Scouts, boarding schools and of course the Catholic Church. I feel very sorry for everybody involved, Except Sanduskey. In hindsight, most, including Paterno himself, thinks he should have done more. But he did what he was susposed to do. If he had pushed it further there is a very good chance that he could have been accused of having some reason to slander Sanduskey. I think it is the people that he reported it to that are the real villians. But, who knows.

It's a real mess.   

The really sad thing is how far a school, especially a major college will go to protect the football program. It starts in high school even in the small 6-Man high schools in Central Texas. The football program and the players get the breaks and the money. Coaches are paid more than teachers and get perks other officials can only dream of, especially in a high-end district. But wait......there's that money thing again.....football brings in  the MONEY! Let's not f--- with the money! At the beginning of the present school year there schools in the Ft. Worth area, that because of budget cuts, were charging as much as $60.00 per year per kid to ride the bus to school. No cuts to the football program though.

I am a sports fan, baseball is my obsession, but Sweet Mary Mother of God I can't understand why football has been turned into nothing short of a religion.

Ok....that's my rant for the day. Maybe this is the wrong thread for it, but this is where it landed.

Ya'll carry on......

I agree Bob.

I am not a college football fan, but have close friends that are.  Hockey and Baseball are my sports and I love them, but DAMN, I've never gotten that insane over them.


I had a friend once that said the appeal of college ball was that it hasn't been sullied by greed. I couldn't help but laugh out loud!

The nosebled seats at Beaver Stadium, that holds 100,000 people, are $60.00.

Of those 100,000 seats only 20,000 go to students! So, who do you think the college is taking care of--the fat cats that dole out the money!


At the press conferrence last night, one thing in particular stood out---

When asked why they fired Paterno, Surma said, “To allow this to continue, we think, would be damaging to the university."

Really? How about the damage caused to the victims because a group of men more concerned with football allowed this to happen???

Paterno had a HUGE influence on what went on at Penn State.
Even if the school administration chose to turn a blind eye, why didn’t HE do something more?

Why didn’t he go to the police?

At the very least, why didn’t he see to it that Sandusky never set foot on campus again?

And today, reading the news and watching the videos at the Penn State campus…what are these students thinking? This is a slap in the face to the victims, this is saying…we care more about football, we care more about Joe Paterno than we do about you!?!

How does fanaticism become so overwhelming that it warps perspective?






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