TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16199

Replies to This Discussion

They won...now round 2.
I think you should all know I'm going to bed.
I feel like I've rode hard and put away wet.
*wishing and hoping....*
Great song.....
ummm..... I read that in relation to Bob's being rode hard & put up wet, is that correct?
Bob's being rode???
Well, I dunno! We were gonna ask you, but we're too polite.
There's this geographical issue...but there is the wonder of the internet...:-D
LA, LA,LA, Eyes covered. Fingers in ears.
Hahahah,,,,What have I just walked into?....Rode & put away wet? All that two finder typing must get to a feller......




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