TBD on Ning

.....the drama level rachets up around here?



......just wonderin'.

Tags: puzzledsometimes

Views: 15

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When did it ratchet up??
*Some folks thrive on it. I prefer to ignore it.*

What? I didn't hear anything. Have another jelly donut, Gary. Chocolate with sprinkles for Bob? 'Night, all.
Could you teach me? I try, I really, really do, but sometimes...
OK, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that we were in some type of "drama alert".

...guess it didn't make for much of question.......
It's not me, is it?
I'm afraid to go over to discussions...
I went over there and cleaned house....it's safe now.
All 9 of us on TBD could do some serious damage....but we choose not to....we are lovers not fighters....Most of us do not really care what bed you sleep in....just roll over and give us a diss....er kiss....
Very little drama here, few and far between, and very short lived. If there were any I say skip the Dramamine, alchohol, or drug of choice, and lets just have a sing along .....

Aw right Jack!

Someone around here still understands me! LOL!
LOL! Well thanks, there's enough of 'em....somethin's bound to look good I guess!
Hear it works for sea sickness ....but I don't need it.
I find that drinking heavily or pounding one's head against a wall has a calming effect.




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