TBD on Ning

Here's the deal...I do a great deal on wondering about stuff.  Sometimes I actually wonder about myself and why I do the things I do....like:

Procrastinate the hell out of paying bills.

Wait till I'm beyond hungry to cook supper and then don't really want to eat it.

Dread hearing from my youngest son...who has bi-polar disorder, btw.

Dream about my ex more now than I  did for the 30yrs we were together.

Take some of the stupid superfluous personalities on line seriously.

Prefer the company of my kitties to forging friendships with real people in my real everyday life.

Work in the medical field yet am a terrible patient.

Tags: billmeperpaypal, havenoinsuranceandcan'taffordashrink, iseeyouandyouseeme, youguys'lldo

Views: 55

Replies to This Discussion

Like they moved the chairs on the Titanic?

Hiya Bob :-)

No....I'm not at all ready to call this a sinking ship. Still don't understand the pull water world has.
Now, now...we have each other....all 10, give or take a dozen.
We are family. I would gladly sit around the table with all of you for supper....at least once. After that? Who knows....I might just vote all of you off the island and have the place to myself......

Supper? Supper? I'll come if you'll cook.

Bob, Don't know the answer to your question, but do know that there are more people there, so the discussios are more entertaining, Sometimes.
Hey, now, THERE's a great idea! We have a tbd get together of those of us who are still active. Wouldn't that be great?! If it's Atlanta, I'll open my doors to one big sleepover.
Robbie....all those people used to be here.....
Well, I will be here until the next payment is due...around June 2011 as best I can remember. For now we are riding on some one elses' nickel (thanks). After that.....time to buy another ticket to some other world.
There may not be many of us here anymore and we may not be here as much as we used to be, but I like you guys--you're smart and funny and witty and clever and kind and open...I admire you.
So, I'm gluing my chair to the deck :-)
Quinny... you rock.
All of us here rock!!!
Why is it when there is no real drama happening I should feel relaxed and calm yet all I do is get anxious and feel like I have to wait for the other shoe to drop...




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