TBD on Ning

How do we describe TBD to someone who doesn't know it? What's special about this place?


If TBD is going to thrive, it  - we - need to present ourselves as we would like to be seen.  We have a badge that can be posted on other sites we visit, but what does it say?  "TBD is a home for TBD members." Well, um, okay. I think we can do better than that at welcoming others.   


Let's hear everyone's suggestions. and put together an image that will not only attract newcomers, it will make us proud(er) to be a part of TBD.

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Replies to This Discussion

I like this (from Bull's post and idea) :

Join TeeBeeDee,
A Social Community for Grown Ups.
(or TBD - whichever we are permitted to still use)

A call to action and a simple description.

It's just sad (and confusing for people) that when one googles either TeeBeeeDee or TBD - there is no direction to Teebeedee.ning
I googled teebeedee and five down - there we are - with the "Sorry, no community etc. etc. tag.
I like that!

Does it need to be TeeBeeDee, rather than TBD?

I think "TBD... a social network for grownups" is great!
I think Robin sold the TBD.com domain and it is now a sort of bloggers' site. It would be best to avoid leading folks up that dead end.
Stop your whining and complaining,
On TBD you'll start your braining.
I thought "All your base are belong to us" was much more clear and succinct, Funes.
Oh, Funes, I knew I could count on you. Braining. Hm.

What are you doing with that club?!!??!!?
LOL Chez....

Your head you'll be a rubbing
When I come a clubbing.
If Robin "sold" the TBD name, I think we need to find out from her (maybe you guys already know) if we can use "Tee Bee Dee".

If we can...how about adding the number "2" after Tee Bee Dee (this would connect us to the past, but show we are new and improved)

With the tag line "A place where You can be You"

Tee Bee Dee 2!
A place where You can be You!

I think one appeal of TBD over a site such as facebook was that we could be ourselves because our employers etc. were "not" part of our "network" :-)
I think one appeal of TBD over a site such as facebook was that we could be ourselves because our employers etc. were "not" part of our "network" :-)

That's a good point. ,-D

It appears we are authorized to use what we have been using - nothing is going to change around here. And TBD is what it says on the badge already. It's just too bad we don't show up that way when you google it.

*sigh* Ees complicated.

Well, if we can't use "TBD," then shouldn't our badge say "TeeBeeDee" instead?
So, Where are we?

I like TBD a social network for grownups.bb




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