TBD on Ning

How do we describe TBD to someone who doesn't know it? What's special about this place?


If TBD is going to thrive, it  - we - need to present ourselves as we would like to be seen.  We have a badge that can be posted on other sites we visit, but what does it say?  "TBD is a home for TBD members." Well, um, okay. I think we can do better than that at welcoming others.   


Let's hear everyone's suggestions. and put together an image that will not only attract newcomers, it will make us proud(er) to be a part of TBD.

Views: 88

Replies to This Discussion

maybe that is the answer to d's thread too :-)

hahaha... I'm behind.

or blonde.
Perhaps this line - which is the intro to the Welcome Lounge too, or something of like ilk ( I've adjusted it slightly here) .

TBD on Ning, a place for the over 40 crowd to mingle and share experiences in order to thrive. It's a wonderful community, join us!

It says what we are about - and it has a call to action ("join us") . If it's too lengthy - just the 1st sentence, and "Please join us!" .

When they click - they can click on the Welcome Lounge, which already explains in more detail what we are about.

Just an idea.
The goal is to explain who we are, and have a call to action at the same time.
I like jlees post---

Short, sweet and simple...
I like it, too, but I really like us catering/advertising to an "over 40" dynamic.
How about " Sharing Experience to Thrive , this is where Adults Come to Play "

It needs a bit more added to it to describe the site and entice people to click on it (not forgetting a call to action) .




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