TBD on Ning

Pru's "Genetically Famous?" thread got me to thinking about famous people I've rubbed elbows with here & there along my journey thus far.

How about it - what famous people have you rubbed elbows with?

Tags: Name_Dropping, Rubbing_Elbows

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Too many rockers, some famous, some less so, to count.
Quite a few actually. I had lunch with the Prime Minister of Thailand in 1968. I met Bob Denver (Gilligan) there in 1967 along with Rachel Welch and Miss Universe who was a Thai. Several Steelers from the 70's and 80's. Rocky Bleier dated my sister's best friend. The one closest to my family would be Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini, he and my son in law Doug boxed in Youngstown. Boom Boom went on to be champ, he was at their wedding.

Here he is with my friend Pat from work.
I met Happy. The dog made famious in "ON THE ROAD AGAIN". Actually, right now he is on my couch.
One of my friends on Eons is now President.
I was once lurked by Pru.
Now what's wrong with Clint???
Well a friend of mine worked for Clint, but I never got the opportunity to "rub shoulders" with him.

Did travel on a small plane in Georgia alongside Greg Allman and entourage. And browsed books at the same time as Tony Bennett at the Atlanta airport.
Saw Pres. Kennedy pass by in his black convertible limo, when he came to my town. I was surprised at how strawberry blonde his hair looked in the daylight.
I forgot that I crossed paths w/Clint, years ago in New Orleans, at Ruth's Chris Steak House, when he was in New Orleans filming Tightrope. I wouldn't call it rubbing elbows, though; we were simply entering Ruth's Chris as he was leaving. And sorry, Her Cowboy, but my opinion seems to run close to Pru's; although I don't have anything in particular against him, he's never done anything for me whatsoever.
I did not say I was stalked by Pru only lurked. But I have fed her a couple times. And Pru's kolaches are better than mone.
Once went to college with fellow Aggiie that was once married to Julia Roberts.
*bump*   Name calling...




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