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How many of you put paying cards on your bicycle tires to make it sound cool as you peddled down the road?

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Didn't get to do that.  Didn't have playing cards till after I was old enough to drive and putting cards on the car tires just wasn't the same.

When I was growing up that was a 'boy' thing. We would put ribbons on the handlebars or if there was a contest or parade, we'd put crepe paper through the spokes for decoration.  My friend had a white wicker basket on hers and she'd ride around with her pet rabbit in the basket.  I was pretty jealous, because I didn't have a pet rabbit and I didn't have a pretty white, wicker basket!!

Haven't rode for a while michael, but back in the day, a crisp card and a clothes pin to hold it in place was the bomb!

Yup....I did it too.  Loved that sound.

My brother and his friends did that!




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