This is merely anecdotal, but I've mostly seen the same weather patterns in the continental United States. Record cold and heat, flooding, drought, record snows, and tornado clusters. They're always there, but they just hit different states and regions each year......
I agree that the weather goes in cycles. I've seen enough of them to know. I'm originally from a farm family. We always like to complain about the weather. But, even in Texas I don't remember the heat index being this high this early. I think I'm just more sensitive to it now. Advanced age you know.(:>) Happy wants to go to Canada. Maybe Alaska. Ha! With gas over $2.60 a gal we'll be lucky to make it to WV.
Well shucks, That's a given. You can't deny climate change and be rational at the same time. You can deny that humans are the prime cause, but I doubt that you can deny that we are adding to the cause. Whatever it is.