TBD on Ning

This is the place where you can pop in and say "hey" ONLY if you are #13 or less online here at TBD.  Sometimes the fewest voices carry the strongest message.
Pipe up and let it be known you are here....
Take a number and stand in line....
*like anyone would really know....hehe!*

What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6085

Replies to This Discussion

Back to 13.

I'll wait in the hall...

"it" might be cold out there.

29 degrees, 30 mile per hour winds, and 2 inches of snow per hour.

I do believe we have ourselves a blizzard!


o, 12 now, I can come in...

Shake the snow off at the door.....



Bakers Dozen is "featured" on the front page!!!!!!

Dayummm...no one better show up and blow the cover!

Do you get a raise now???

Haven't heard.

Always hope.   :-D

Tell you what......have your people get in touch with my people and I'll see what i can do. :=D

You don't have "people"....I'm not completely blonde.

Do you have an "in" w/a moderator?   Name names.....!

Uh huh.....:+D

Well, I'm one of Bob's people.


I've got his back.


I might be his "enabler".......I see that word thrown around nowadays.


I don't think I know what it means, though.

Is that sorta like a "wing man"?




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