TBD on Ning

As a week, last week was not good at all. And worse, as to this next week, it is not going to get any better.

The whole national security apparatus and operating scheme is now under tremendous pressure to explain what, who and why we are surveil  countries, politicians and individuals, much less Americans in America, and how all of this is in the national interest to do so. And not that an explanation can't be made, it can, but...it will be embarrassing, intrusive and to some just intelligence paranoia without any real gain but is a threat to freedom to say, act and think about what others might not like. Worse, the Snowden gambit is further exposing the depth and breadth of surveillance activity on foreign governments and foreigners, both the unfriendly and friendly. And yes, the French and Germans, amongst others, have a right to be upset even if it is hypocritical as to whether they do it to, to enemies and friends, including the United States. What this is going to do is weaken America as a force in dealing with those that are not anxious to deal with the national intersts of the United States. The US can hardly look at the anxiety of friends including friends like the Saudis and Israelis as good sign of what is going to be need to deal with those in negotiations or which we are attempting to negotiate with such as Syria and Iran, and embolden the North Koreans, the Taliban and radical Islamists to act against American interests and our friends wherever they can.

The entire ObamaCare operation is now in question, which only includes as a part of the ongoing story, the HealthCare.gov web site. What was promised is not going to happen as promised, which to some degree is all been a part of unforced errors on what and how ObamaCare would be implemented and operated. Beyond the web site debacle, there are the issues of what are the other ramifications of what ObamaCare requires to actually be done, which includes; upgrade and renewal of policies that previously did not comply with the benefit structure and coverage provided in the Affordable Care Act which will have adverse pricing impact on new and renewed policies not otherwise provided for in the exchanges. The nature of most of the new products in the exchanges have as a foundation limited choice as to providers both physicians and hospitals. Additionally, only some geographies have real competition as to plans from which to choose and thus limited choice in prices. And there is the rub, it is not just how many sign up for ObamaCare options, it is who, as the theory of insurance is not only based on the rule of large numbers, it is risk assumption has to be broad so that those that use the insurance are a minority of those that buy it. As of now, there are only a limited number of exchanges that are working and provide competitive options to choose from even if those interested can actually access the systems to make their choices. In the meantime, time is being used up to fix both the actual systems and to deal with the disappointing and discouraging media and press which can only make, making the system work, harder. This week the attention will be focused on the testimony of the secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, which can only be at best to deflect, defend and blame what has happen, and present only a hope that things will get better, maybe.

Then there is the pivot by the White House to move the media and the people off the problems at hand to the problems of past struggles; immigration, the farm bill and the budget. None of this are going to be any easier to resolve then they have been in the past. If the idea is to confound and confuse issues by creating a monkey pile of undifferentiated problems and messes, this is the way to do it, rather than focus as a laser beam on those things that need to get done.

Maybe, it is only time that is the issue, only time will heal all things, and make them better, if not more manageable, but then again, is that a way to govern and prove that government works when it has to.  However, there is a natural high hurdle to all of this, 2014, and the off year elections, where the American people will have another chance to answer the question, what is to be done and by whom.

And yes, what a country.

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So even the Spanish are mad at us, for looking and listening?  What a world.  Oh, wait, we already knew about that.

As to further revelations from the Snowden papers, et.al., who don't we serveil?  The question is why, to what result and under what rules do we do this.  And yes, so do others; and as Captain Renault said, "Shocked, shocked I tell you!".... 

The problem is not that it is done, it is who knew what and when and that old necessity, plausible deniability, which includes, having the required underlings to take the hits and fall on their swords for those higher up who have the ultimate responsibility.  And yes, it all seems to be a pattern, which includes, Benghazi, the IRS, legal harassment of the press and the what the NSA does and is doing and the lack of security of security of the government's business.  




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