TBD on Ning

It is June and the end of the Supreme Court's session, and that means, release of what have been its decisions, or lack of decisions, if that what the Court decides.

There are four main case to be decided by the Court in this session and there should be a release of those decisions in the next two Mondays and Thursdays.

The ones that will generate the most media attention are the two gay marriage cases; DOMA and Prop 8. The other two deal with determining what direction civil rights will take with a case on preferential admissions and voting oversight in the O'lde South.

Clearly, if the Court takes an activist position on gay marriage it could end the issue as a cause and a concern for the left and right by declaring it a civil right covered by the Constitution, however, the Court could dodge the issue and remand Prop 8 as a state rights issue and only put more limits on DOMA vs. overturning it.

As to the civil rights cases, the Court could strike them, or, be nuance and otherwise change the direction as to how each should be enforced or limited.

Chances are not everyone is going to happy with the Court, be it left or right, or in-between.  What is however, clear is, there is going to be every chance that everyone is going to hear and see about it as the media will cry out  its judgement, on the judges and the Court.

Tags: Court, Supreme, civil, decisions, gay, marriage, rights

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It was interesting to me that Sandra Day OConner wished that they had not taken on the election case in Fla. sometimes they regret what they do. If they had not Bush would never have been President.  It's really a shame.

The Supremes---one of the greatest Motown groups back in my younger days.  Loved 'em!

Oh yeah...

This Court does not want to make moral judgement...

Expect something different on these cases

So, your body still is your own, sorta.  

Naturally occurring DNA is yours, other stuff in test tubes is not, not natural...so, it can be owned and made to pay for if you want it.  A unanimous decision, unlikely to be seen in the rest of the decision drop that is forthcoming.  

So, it is good enough to swear an oath than provide proof of citizenship in order to vote.  However, if you are stopped for a violation it remains lawful to be asked to show immigration status.

It now appears that there will be a major decision drop on Thursday, with chills as to what the Supremes will decide in the more watched for decisions and opinions, and with time for the justices to get out of town before the media frenzy descends with their silly live remotes from the steps of the renovating Court building and with the nattering talking heads as to what this all means, or could mean to the country and the people, so help them god, or not.

Politicians get away with swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution, and then...

There always has been a lot of the then, then.  Politics is politics and in the end usually pragmatic, unless, there is such a divided, reinforced by the voters that makes the process locked up, which is where we are now.

As to being pragmatic, there is always the campaign and then the actual operation of being in the moment of governing, which is where the current administration is now, and yes, it is always more complicated in the talking than the doing, oath or no oath.

Good news, the Court's decision release days has been extended another week beyond Thursday, so the drama will build with the talking classes on cable awaiting the "big" decisions.

OK, major opinion number 1, as to affirmative action, the case remanded to the Texas court.  A 7-1 decision with Kegan recused.  Appears that there needs to be a "stricter" burden on the school as to what can be used to determine what affirmative action is and what it includes; case goes back to Federal District appeals court for further action.

Now the major decision dump is postpone until Thursday, unless.....and yes, the court knows how controversial their decisions are going to be, which means moving those decisions out as long as possible gets the people and the media into the summer season chilling mode and up against the oncoming 4th holiday week, so, then, who cares, it will all blow over until the First Monday of October, and, the Court has already decided to take on the validity of recess appointments by the president.

Important decision number 2, Voting Rights law.  The special approval by the Justice Department in certain states and jurisdictions that had a tradition of voter discrimination was struck down 5-4 with Justice Roberts writing the majority opinion.  The decision struck down the areas covered while leaving it up to congress to redraft what areas are to included in special supervision which then could be tested again in the courts.  However, with the current congress in deadlock over most issues any action to redraw coverage would be impossible.

Tomorrow is gay day as the Court finishes this session.  The decisions for DOMA and Prop 8 will be forthcoming with betting that the Court might attempt to duck any overall opinion that would invoke civil rights and probably limit any scope of what the final opinions will cover and to where and when gay rights can be invoked as to marriage and coverage of benefits for federal employees, or not.

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s opposition to gay marriage is well established.

But as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to issue decisions on two major gay marriage cases this week, less well-known is his co-authorship, in January 2013, of a court brief that laid out an argument against the constitutionality of allowing same-sex couples to marry.

In the amicus brief, Cuccinelli, the attorney general of Virginia, and Greg Zoeller, the attorney general or Indiana, used a novel justification to make their point in one section of the 55-page brief — namely that gay marriage could lead to polygamy.


oh yeah cause you know they is a direct connection between gay marriage and polygamy,.....that splains the mormons huh and warren jefts and shit....next thing you know they gonna be amarrying their labrador retrievers and shit and dating the sheep for the prom....




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