TBD on Ning

I have been accused of over reacting to the health care debacle. Of course when the left has nothing to say they will accuse you of being a hater of the president and what do you know that happened. So let's just look at some facts.

The web site is not working

50,000 have signed up, and 5,000,000 have lost their policies

You can't keep your policy or your doctor

The costs have risen by $2,500 per family, and not gone down by $2,500

400,000 have signed up for Medicaid

This is not me yelling the sky is falling. These are the facts of what is going on. You can bury your head in the sand and ignore this, or you can be a realist and understand that something is very very wrong.

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so where are you getting these numbers? i don't see any links and there is still a year to go...and once again you put up a whole new post rather than deal with actually discussing the matter ...the same f'ing subject as your last ten posts

5,000,000 have lost their policies................Prove it

You can't keep your policy or your doctor............Prove it that it is true in all cases or even a majority of cases

The costs have risen by $2,500 per family, and not gone down by $2,500...according to who? Prove it

400,000 have signed up for Medicaid...Prove it

It'll just be another blow job from a wacko right wing glory hole PA LOL ...

Base, the sky may not be falling, but yer IQ ain't exactly going through the roof...And the fact that you seem to see that as some sort of patriotic accomplishment that deserves a nice pretty medal only underscores how unqualified and ill-equipped you are to actually discuss serious matters.

So tell me why you don't want americans to have health care? Who ever it is that posted this thread.




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