TBD on Ning

To all my friends on the left, how would you grade the ACA roll out? Today the president said that if he had known the web site wasn't ready that he wouldn't have rolled it out Oct 1. Are you kidding me? He now wants us to believe he didn't know. Well it seems that it really shouldn't come as a surprise based on all the other things he didn't know about, or found out just like we did by reading the newspaper. You have to wonder who the hell's in charge? 

Nov 11 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare reform has reached only about 3 percent of its enrollment target for 2014 in 12 U.S. states where new online health insurance marketplaces are mostly working smoothly, a report released on Monday said.

States with functioning exchanges have signed up 49,100 people compared with the 1.4 million people expected to be enrolled for 2014, according to the report by healthcare research and consultancy firm Avalere Health.


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geee.....the sky is falling.....and in case it slipped your teeny little mind...this is 2013....2014 is a whole year that starts after december....cod you are such a onetrick pony....but if it amuses you...

Click your heels together 3 times problem and then you can go home

as usual you avoided the point by a halfwitted attempt at a pithy remark...too bad it just turns into a pissy remark...the point is there is the whole year of 2014 to sign people up..so you can't extrapolate anything from a glitched initial offering of about a month...and remember there are even telephones and office visits!

and certain people might not realize that others shop and compare before they sign on the dotted line....thus it can take some time to get all the facts and be comfortable with a decision

Sarah Palin Struggles To Explain Her Obamacare Alternative (VIDEO)

AP Photo / Alex Brandon
Caitlin MacNeal – November 11, 2013, 2:05 PM EST39822

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again," Palin said.

While Palin struggled to explain what a conservative alternative to Obamacare would look like, she made it clear that she dislikes the Affordable Care Act.

"And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left," she said "It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care."

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

as usual no actual facts....just allegation...her plan is just blank....words but no details....all sorts of slogans for the f'ing braindead

and this is classic palin gobbledygook...

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again," Palin said.

less tort reform threat? wtf does that mean? under bush in texas there was tort reform....which then limited the liability of corporations and doctors etc even in the case of negligence and malpractice...

less trajectory of cost increases?  that's a bullshit phrase.....which means nothing

oh and more competition...as in when the 5 largest hospital corporations in america were indicted by the bush administration for pricefixing? you know it is bad when the republicans go after big business..

This IS NOT about Palin. She lost, This IS about Obamacare which is also failing. Like Palin said problem you're trying to put lip stick on a pig.

Naturally. When your Idiot Queen spews gibberish on network TV, it's the MSM's fault for broadcasting it, not her fault for turning the Stoopid Spigot on full blast, in front of live cameras.

The ASA will work, eventually. It's already signed up thousands of Americans who your precious insurance companies had callously stabbed in the ass, and that's what's REALLY bugging you, ain't it, base ? You just HATE them dirty traitors who committed the crime of getting old or sick and thereby cost your beloved billionaires a microscopic fraction of their god-given profits - And you, an even more infintesimal fraction of your stock dividends - don't you ? How DARE they be more human than you'll ever be, eh ?

pay attention....probably difficult since your mind is classed as small change...your proofs are bullshit....that is called anecdotal pseudoscience. sort of like i knew a guy whose cousin worked with a guy whose neighbor told him....it is bullshit. you're trying to predict based on a month and a glitched website...that's called wishful thinking...and it is nonsense and silly of grownups to attempt to do so

and by the by, your pig puts on lipstick all by herself...right after she reads the newspapers...all of them...LOLOLOLOL




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