TBD on Ning

Due to the government shutdown, the Labor Department was unable to release the jobs numbers for September on time, but did so today.

And the number is....disappointing.

The overall job creation number was around 148,000 whereas the whisper number was around 189,000. Worse, the July release number was changed to only 89,000 jobs created vs. the release number of 104,000 which was not a good number for the economy in the first place.

Good news was the unemployment rate was 7.2%. However, the labor participation rate remained the lowest in since the late 1970's recession at 63.2%. And the jobs creation were not that encouraging in that the job categories were not the type that are sustainable for growth for the type of jobs needed to further reduce joblessness.  Worse, the survey does not include the government shutdown and furloughs and shows that the economy was slowing down already in anticipation

However, it was all very good news for Wall Street, as the pale remains on Main Street, because these employment numbers insure that the Fed will not do any tapering for 2013 and probably not for most of 2014, so, it still is easy money for investing.

Tags: economy, joblessness

Views: 11

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It must be disappointing for Conservatives, that the numbers are not nearly as bad as they'd like -- considering so much hard work and billions of dollars spent trying to make Barack Obama fail.  Anyone who would try to make their own country fail and only succeed in destroying their own and opening the door for Democrats in 2014 and 2016 - and not even be able to see it, just like they couldn't see they lost the 2012 election because of their own bu__ sh__.  Everybody knew it but them, and yet they keep insisting they know the right direction.  These guys are just too coo-coo for cocoa puffs.




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