TBD on Ning

It's easy to just say that Obama is doing a great job, but when asked  to quantify that, there is silence. Let's look at some numbers

Unemployment numbers remain historically high

The number of people unemployed is higher than it's been in the past 50 years

Tens of millions additionalpeople are receiving food stamps

More people are in poverty

Gas prices are almost double of what they were 5 years ago

The national debt has increased by $6,000,000,000,000 in the past 4 years, and going up daily to be $7 trillion soon.

Drilling on government land is down, but up on private land

Gov't backed companies like Solyndra, Fiskar, Evergreen Solar and many more hsave cost  billions of dollars to the tax payers

Health care costs have increased even thogh we were promised that they would go down by $2500

Taxes on the middle class have risen, even though we were told that they wouldn't

And then there's foreign policy. Look at what's happening in North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Russia. We were told that the world would love us if we just were just more friendly. How's that working out?


So now maybe the pro Obama people in this group could list some of his measurable achievements.


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I come not to praise ....nor to bury the bone....but to say most middling.  Unfortunately hope and change are not policies but expression that need to be implemented, and that can't be said for much of what has happened in the four or so years of the Obama administration.  And, of course, much of this has been the result of most would call obstruction, which is the new normal in politics, and has been for some time.  

There have been wins, Affordable Care Act and 2009 Stimulus package.  Some far ObamaCare has not been implemented except for mandatory extensions of healthcare insurance benefit coverage.  The 2009 Stimulus has ran its course with mostly sustaining payrolls and provided not much stimulus.  Wars have been ended, or in one case scheduled to be ended.  Through executive orders, some policies have been implemented without legislation.  And women can fight, if not yet marry each other.  But overall, much has remained in place, stagnant as the debate has continued as to what, how and how much is the government going to do.

What has and is happening is that we are a divided nation, not coming closer to agreement but further apart mostly by the desire of many to not engage the other, but divide and move apart as a nation and a people.  

From many, still many with no clear path of becoming one.




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