TBD on Ning

And no, it is not about Calvin.

At today's Senate hearings, Secretary Sebelius, once again, had to defend the indefensible, what and why the ObamaCare HHS roll out was such, and continues to be, a snafu, at best. And as she did last week, the answers were the same, more or less. Mistakes were made, problems were not recognized, or if recognized, ignored for the reason of greater priorities and, yes, there is blame, which unfortunately, means no one is to blame as it this all was so complicated as are the responsibilities. And yes, it was too big to manage, properly, and then again who knew? And yes, it is all going to come out in the end, more or less, trust me.

And that is the problem, trust. And it isn't that the efforts are not being made, certainly they are, at great expense. And yes, the effort is to the question to be when, and not, why not? In the meantime, some of the members give the Secretary a choice, resign OR, have to come in front of the committee every month to report on what had happen, what will happen and why. The Secretary did not respond to this option.

What she did say, is that as of now, the previous estimated of now might not be operative, as to what has been proposed and stated as, in the past, there is a date when the operational issues of the web site will be resolve and HealthCare.gov fully functional, more or less, which is more, in that work is being done on 24/7 basis, including using the same folks that had created the mess in the past, now were working to correct it on a cost-plus arrangement, more or less.

As to what the Secretary is going to do, she probably hoping to use the calendar to fall back, just like in daylight savings time to delay, if not postpone her next hearing. And probably, the Secretary will try to redefine what the middle of November is, and release the ObamaCare enrollment numbers on the Wednesday afternoon before Thanksgiving, because of the Republican government shutdown.

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Baseless bu__ sh__  Ex, the Tea Pot calling the President Black, considering the entire GOP Platform has been nothing but lies ever since Cheney/Bush

Tea Potty calls Obama "Black"

let's admit the website is a fuckup. that doesn't make the aca a washout tho the crowing from the cheap seats and the illogical thought processes 'prove' to them that "that dog don't hunt". so now task really begins of proving that the aca will bring better and more affordable care to a larger portion of americans. time to quit talking and start doing. and one segment of this is that it would help if the right was not working so hard to be an obstacle, i.e. refusing to set up state exchanges and so forth.

oh and by the by...."In the meantime, some of the members give the Secretary a choice, resign OR, have to come in front of the committee every month to report on what had happen, what will happen and why." they really don't have that authority over the executive branch and the president's cabinet once they are confirmed... and don't you think they might have SOMETHING to do besides hold hearings on this every month?..little things like budgets, tax reforms to cover deficits, ethics violations by their fellows...why they could even confirm judges to positions that have been vacant for a couple years thus increasing the length of time justice takes and the workload on the rest of the bench and court system...

They just love to dis the president don't they.  

Given that, that there is opposition to the president, not only as the office of the president, but what else he might, in some minds, represent there are remain issues, substantive and important ones.  And yes, much of, or many of those involved are clouded by perception and projection.    

The real problem, in all of this, to me, is leadership and the ability to manage.  

Opposition is not unusual, and could not have be unexpected, however, to continue to have self-inflect mistakes and errors, mishandle information and statements, to aid and abet those that oppose you, not good, and makes having to explain at a high and higher level, critical.  That is where this administration has brought itself with the help of others, certainly.

obama would have been better served to shut up and just do what he needed to do in some cases. as a lawyer said once: "you can't be blamed for what you don't say". that being said, the opposition to him was more than a political reaction. how many times have you seen a t-shirt on a person declaring "it's the WHITE HOUSE, stupid" never right? after all the hatred and disgust for obama by a certain segment of our populace brings to mind the era of desegregation and the reaction to integrating schools and lunch counters in the 60s. for some people, it IS race, not politics regardless of what some lizardbrains attempt to persuade us when they intone unctuously about his policies. often when asked, they can't even tell you a policy that they don't like but revert to a sarah palin answer about newspapers she reads..."all of them"

ahhh the good old days?

We will always have idiots and scoundrels in politics, and it is their volume and noise, much less who is listening to them.  What it is new, is how the media acts as a trumpet and echo chamber for what is said and what is done by whoever can get or gets pushed in front of a camera and microphone.

For example, take the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, please.  And he was wearing and NFL team insignia tie, with a prominent ...skin logo.  At least he should have had a Argonauts one in his closet, one would think. 

The opposition in Obama's case is not only unusual it is uncalled for, most of it being tied directly to the extremist racism of the social conservatives and the extremist voo-doo economics of the Libertarian Conservatives; i.e., the Tea Party.

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