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If Bush was so wrong to use force with the support of over 40 nations, why is Obama so right to use force with no support. If we are so right, why are we so alone?

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1.  Why don't you ask who supports the Bush Presidency now?

2.  No one gives a shit about Syria?  I don't, it's a radical hell-hole.

Well LLL the president is on a mission to save face and bomb Syria. The Bush presidency is over and it's all Obama now and if you don't give a shit about Syria maybe you're a member  of the vast uninformed. News flash LLL. It's not about Syria, it's about a Nobel Peace Prize winner willing to risk our soldiers lives to save face. You should pay closer attention.

nary a word about going to congress for them to advise and consent...one of those pesky facts you keep leaving out to attempt to portray this administration as an imperial presidency. you'd be better off with remembering some history and applying those lessons

cod, you seem always to have that trouble with not remembering facts from the day before...and you begin all over again...

from a previous post you made...

 read your own words...

    "When the U.S. led a coalition of nations to depose Saddam in 2003, the belief that Iraq possessed stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons as well as a  nascent nuclear weapons program   was a major justification for the invasion. "

    we knew he had chemical weapons...the furor was over a rogue state getting nuclear weapons. that turned out to be false information and even colin powell has said he was deceived when he presented 'facts' he was given by the administration to the united nations. let's keep the facts straight.

in case you were too busy reading alex jones and glenn becks chindrivel, the result among some allies was the loss of the support for their home governments due to the feeling that they had been stupid and duped by the bush administration. and you expect them all to forget and rush to form a coalition even tho no one has a dog in this fight

this must be 5 years (inclusing the time you spent on 'the other place') that you have spent your entire time whining about the president without evidencing ONE suggestion as to what you would do in his place or even cribbing suggestions from the far right wackos. kind of feels like a constant litany of auntie hester's whining about her lumbago for attention

Well, yeah, but auntie hester's lumbago was a fact.

so you say...

i think it was a lack of lem baggo, the italian guy she used to date

So problem What is our justification now? It is amazing the dumb things some people will say in order to try and defend the undefendable.

Again problem. There is no need to make suggestions if you disagree. Or is that the magic equation in the world of problems?

Oh, I don't know who alex jones is and I haven't listened to Beck since he left Fox. Where do you get you information, facebook or maybe Maddow or Sharpton? I form my own opinions,

then as i asked before, tell us what YOU would do...if you think what he is doing is wrong, then obviously you must have an idea of what actions would be right. to have the idea that the actions are wrong means that you have at least a vague inkling of what actions fit the right course in your own mind otherwise you don't have a concept of a right or wrong course of action but merely another in the endless litany of bitching about obama

It's obvious PA gets his information from reputable sources; haven't been able to disprove any of his opinions.

Cod is beginning to remind me of Justice Potter Stewart:

"I can't define it but i know what it is when i see it"




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