TBD on Ning

No, not the image one wants to project or certainly advance, a show of weakness. But then again, what is a show of strength?  Shimon Peres, president of Israel said that American is not going to be chicken if the current efforts against Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons, that American would use it military power to prevent it. Of course, there is the chicken and then there are the parts and that may be where the deconstruction of the Iran threat starts.

The Iranians state that whatever they are doing is peaceful, enrichment, which the Iranians have publicly admitted and indeed shown to the world for cancer treatment and power production. Yea, probably all true, but, also a obvious step in building or having the capacity to build a bomb. And, over the years, Iran has frustrated international inspection of their capacity much less their intentions and, they have moved certain of their nuclear assets underground, in harden sites that can be seen by the spy satellites of all the major powers as been build and put into operation.

Of course, there is and has been nuclear proliferation  and little of any off the international concern stopping it. Geopolitics drives the motivation of nuclear proliferation but, the real cause has been the access, for money, to acquire the necessary technology and industrial capacity from others, that are willing and capable to sell what is needed to build a bomb.

The question isn't that Iran has the capacity, or even the motivation, it is what can we do about it? And yes, if we do something, will it only be a pause on the road already taken, or, will it prevent it for all time from ever happening in Iran, or anywhere else for that matter, to acquiring a bomb much less the capacity to do it.

Chicken, indeed, be that a wing, thigh, breast, or nuggets what can we do and what should we do, with chicken, not to be one, that is.  

And, oh yes, speaking of chickens, the White House Easter Egg Roll has been cancelled!...due to the sequestration, and yes, it is going to hurt.

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