Of course!
You're still a racist if you do not sing in sync with the democrat band.
"Racist" is no longer a verb, it's a noun, "Doncha know."
It is what you are, not what you do.
You sound like Allan West, I can't tell you apart.
Okay how about Dr. Ben Carson?
Dr. Ben Carson says the Affordable Care Act is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery.
Pretty strange thing to say...
Perhaps he did but not relevant to the question.
still wearing the big shoes, the rubber nose and playing the fool huh cod? or maybe you aren't playing...the same guy who doesn't want the govt involved in business but blamed obama cause your daughter was unemployed for 2 years......huh?
Again we hear from the village idiot who has yet to answer a question, only to deflect.
and i've answered lots of your questions but in your cute little ways, you ignore answers that don't fit your agenda...just like when you are getting your ass kicked by facts, you leave your teeth scattered like chiclets on the floor and run off to another post to try again to show what a magnificent person you are but misunderstood....sniffle sniffle
Here's the thing about comparing Obama with West. If, using a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a middle-of-the-road type and 10 being some flaming left wing socialist, I would rate Obama at a 1; 2 at the most. But for West, with 1 again being the middle and 10 a right wing troglodyte that would embarrass Limbaugh, I would give West an 8 or 9. So I don't think the comparison is apt.
but some people seem unable to divorce race from the person. west is an asshole. that's why he was forced to leave the military. however people like cod are unable to see the differences in the individuals but concentrate on the skin color as being the defining portion of a human being. the exceptions he likes are political idiots like west and herman caine who choose fairytale ideology over reality and to his way of thinking, you can't select for intelligence and perspicacity but skin color. all blacks are the same except those that reinforce his beliefs. the term shvartzer comes to mind...
Are you still a racist ?
I dunno...Would you let one of 'em marry yer sister ?
Y'see, base....You can pretend that this is all about just politics, and not race, if it makes you feel better. Besides, how far does your head have to be up your ass for you to not realize that you can be a right-wing political fanatic AND still be a racist, too ? SInce when did the two become mutually exclusive ?
You teabaggers and your laughable attempts at making "logical" arguments. Christ on a bike.
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