AUSTIN - Responding to the news that Washington Governor Jay Inslee had suspended the death penalty in his state, Texas Governor Rick Perry urged supporters of the death penalty to "vote with their feet" and move to Texas. "Come to Texas," Gov. Perry said. "The death penalty is alive and well here." The Texas Governor said he was introducing a new slogan to attract more people to the state: "Texas: come for the executions, stay for the transvaginal ultrasounds."
Though California has the penalty, they can come to California and leave their money and water...just saying...and it is only about 500 miles instead of over 1500 or so to get to Texas....again, just saying....
So there were over 100,000 votes cast in an on-line poll to permit Texas to secede from the union. I would suggest that if one were to check the signatures on the petition, many would be from people in states other than than Texas. I think the American people just want to kick Texas out. But I would remind the state, don’t forget to leave a check behind for all the highways, military bases and federal dollars spent there over the years on other things.
As an interesting aside on the matter of the death penalty, I just finished a Chief Inspector Gamache novel, A Fatal Grace, by the great prize winning author, Louise Penny. In the book, a murder victim was electrocuted. When explaining the safety precautions built into appliances these days, Penny comes up with this wonderful line: “It was almost impossible to electrocute someone these days, unless you were the governor of Texas.” Loved it!
Actually, Perry is pretty serious about coming to Texas and has been somewhat successful.
The governor was here in the California Central Valley not too long ago, trying to recruit some of the Central Valley's agribusiness and growers, which is big business, to come to Texas. And according to some of the news reports, people were temped in that taxes, environmental regulations and general business climate in California has been difficult, and given a choice, too difficult not to consider Texas for some, or all of their business.
Overall, California is lucky to have retained as much as it has given the overall business condition of the state. If the current drought remains or worsens it is moot if business are going to have move or close, it is going to happen.
And overall, at least at this point, there appears to be no Plan B for California. Some have brought up that there is a 'Plan X' for the legal residents in California which includes; not flushing their toilets, not washing their cars or having lawns and plants in their yards and having to have a picture ID to get a drink of water at city hall.
President Obama is suppose to be here this week and everyone is expecting him to declare a state of emergency because of the drought and put in federal monies to do whatever federal dollars do in emergencies, which in the case of Katrina and Sandy promises much, delivers little.
In the meantime, the president and Governor Brown will shake hands and declare the problem solved as the sun shines once more and there is no rain or snow to fill the reservoirs or canals for the summer water needs, or the next, or the next...things could get that bad. And yes, I know it is snowing, raining, sleeting and making a weather apocalypse that at least can melt in a few days or weeks in the southeast and east coast.
Here, in California, no water, no life...otherwise, it makes sense to not mess with Texas...just saying...
welll for all the pissing and moaning in texas about illegals (and yes, that is a definite must hit that button on the texas campaign trail for politicians along with badmouthing obama, pictures of you playing with guns, badmouthing obama, whining about sealing the border, badmouthing obama, waving the flag, badmouthing obama, stoutly standing up for religion cause there's a war on christians, badmouthing obama. every politician running for office claims to be a christian conservative who will take on obama and beat him all the while cutting taxes and sealing the border to keep those dirty spics south of the river ..well except for the ones EVERYONE hires including any and all companies because the illegals will do things like stand on aluminum ladders during lightning and rain trimming trees. so all that good stuff in texas for business comes at a cost to the usual wage earners. texas also had 30 per cent uninsured workers before the affordable care act kicked in, a high poverty rate and an asshole governor that refused to expand medicaid with federal dollars to provide medical for the poor. what you really have in texas is an oligarchy of money and political power, not a democracy. and the gerrymandering they have done is attempting to enshrine that in perpetuity.
by the way, given the dismal record of some conservative states on environmental protections, you may not have long to wait before states like texas have troubles with water as well. even with enough water, if the aquifers get polluted, that signals the end of potable water out of the ground. and texas has been falsifying water quality testing for years.
Quite so, pa, quite so. What Texas has got in its favor is access to cheap energy from the Gulf, West Texas and the oil reserves of the plains and Canada.
As to the water, there is a greater supply and access for Texas' to the north, be it mountain, underground or the Mississippi watershed to exploit, and no, it doesn't have to be the highest quality to do business. In California, we can only grab it from the Colorado River and the mountain Sierras, both of which are low, low, low as demand is high, high, high and yes the sun is out and it is warm for winter which will end in 30 days or so.
Also Texas has cheap labor, by law, custom and ongoing immigration, legal and illegal. California is going to have less cheap labor as we are going to rise the minimum wage, rise taxes and lifefstyle and living conditions are and going to become, more difficult and expensive, for most Californians. And no, that doesn't include the rich and famous, what is happening for them, in California, is an inconvenience while the weather and view remains fantastic, and who of them would be caught dead in a redneck, anti-liberal state like Texas?
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Almost three years have passed since the rains returned and Texas emerged from a historic drought. Yet there still isn't enough water.
The impact of record-breaking heat and years of little or no rainfall can be felt long after a dry spell passes, and Texas is now struggling with the brunt of a historic yearlong drought that crippled the state's lakes, agriculture and water supplies.
"It's been a doozy of a drought," "It's cumulative so that system has not recovered.
Have a drink on me Ex, SoCa has no shortage, we have wells.
So far, but get your personal ID ready l3 to get that drink of water at city hall, and yes, I know its about the aquifer, as such is threatened all over the country, in degrees, and that is part of water problem, it is everywhere, it is in the Great Lakes it is the Great Plains, its in and on the shores of the Gulf Coast or those on the East Coasts, north or south, central, in the Northwest, in New England, Canada and Mexico. it is all over North America, and it is trouble.
And yes, one of the next BIG weather problems the media is going to cover are the floods that will be a consequence of this winter, as spring arrives in next few months, and invoked the mystical cause and effect of global warming as to why it snowed in Atlanta and why spring came early to Alaska, Greenland and the Northern Territories of Canada.
Water, water everywhere, just not where we can use it and drink it...and that is a local, state and national problem we can't ignore, but we do until the well is dry or there is a basement is full of sewage, and no, the Army Corp. of Engineers is not that good even if they had all the money, because choices have to be made, and a lot people would never be happy with a lot of them.
Mother nature is by definition...a bit.., just saying...and she really doesn't sell margarine that tastes like butter...oh, but you would have to be over 50 to catch that bad.
After the last primary, is there really anyone who takes Perry seriously? And all those other Texas' Social Conservatives? Talk about confused Christians LOL ...
In Texas, yes, still has some clout as governor...outside of Texas, by the chattering classes and online blogesphere, commentators and contributors, not so much...for them Perry's game is over...but he does have influence, sure...and yes, he could rise again.
And what did happen to the great Texas Blue Hope, Wendy Davis...???
The same thing as McCain and Romney?
Can't expect Texas culture to change. Texas culture is still the oldest failing European (Spanish) subculture in the U.S. where interbreeding with Indians hasn't left a real white man alive. By the 1700's the Church complained one could not tell the difference between the peonis and the ruling aristocracy (dictatorship). The Texas Aristocracy (good families although still "Hispanic") still insist on a serf like culture where the poor work for nothing under the guidance and corporal punishment of the Church. The only thing that has changed in the last ~400 years is that the Catholic Church has been replaced by the Protestant Reformation, but the rules have remained the same. Oh, except they don't want to speak their native language, Spanish, anymore.
just watch....the clowns are all running for lt governor since texas does not vote a governor and lt governor ticket. and davis is running for governor (she has a couple detriments in texas..she has a brain and she has tits...big nonos in the redneck state) she has already been dubbed abortion barbie by the right wing. (it's so much easier to spoonfeed thoughts to your captive morons if you make the spoon smaller so they can get it on the bumper of their truck) but just watch....superrick will re-emerge to save the day. in texas, governor goodhair doesn't really need a brain or a memory as long as he can wave a flag and a bible while doing what he is told by big money. remember there are still people who think tom delay got a raw deal for being convicted of breaking campaign finance laws. in the good old boy system, laws can be applied or not as the need arises.
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