Can you create a speculative New Year's mini saga in 50 words.
Comment by Volker Schmidt on September 20, 2009 at 7:06am
The Mini Saga is a a form of writing in which the storyteller is allowed to use only 50 words. No more. No less. It is an exercise for both the left and right sides of the brain. It is appealing to those who are left brained minded for they must deal with exactly 50 words. But these people are challenged to "create a story" in that space. For right brained people, the effect is essentially the same. Lots of story, but alas, only 50 words in which to tell it. That is your challenge my friends. Give it some thought. I shall provide you with an example below. Try one and post it here. Always title your Mini Saga as such so we know what is happening.
An example:
A man took his shoes to a cobbler. Next day he was arrested and sent to prison for robbery. Twenty years later he was released, found the cobbler’s ticket and, just in case, took it to the cobbler’s shop. Examining it closely, the old man said, “Come back next week”.
Ideas for New Year mini-saga
Memorable Moment in 2010
Poems in Prose
Countdown Incident
a surprise