TBD on Ning

ok, let's start of the new group with a new Operating System!

Here's an  PC World article about Win8 and the devices that, for now, are the best to support it.

Anybody here (besides me!) who has Win8 yet?  If not, wait until Santa delivers that shiny new laptop or desktop under the tree!


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There is nothing to convince me of why I would want Win 8 yet. And I sure hope the desktop PC will not become history in my time. I like a large screen of 22" or more and just a keyboard as I sit in my recliner in comfort. Legs stretched out, able to move around or recline and nap.

Well I opened mine a little earlier than Xmas. It is a Samsung Series 9 with Win8.

Have not had time to learn Win8 yet, it has a learning curve for using the new features.

Geeeeeeeeeeeee, Pete! I just moved to Win 7.

Still have 1 PC on XP, another on 2000. Ya, I'm a little behind the power curve! - LOL!

I'd love to know why I can't upload the Windows media center pkg. in Win 8.  It's only free until the end of the month and my first attempt failed late in the download process for some reason.  It seemed to be going fine for quite a while.  It won't allow me to try again (one try per email address) and it only suggests that I contact MS support (at fifty bucks a pop).  It doesn't allow gmail accounts and when I try again with a microsoft address, it just directs me immediately to a page where I can purchase the app for $ 9.95.

Eddie, maybe you can ask the question here;


Or Pete may have a answer for you.

I had already tried deleting cookies, clearing the cache, etc.  Still will only give me the purchase option now.

Hi, Eddie....

According to this link, the only version of Win8 that supports the Windows Media Center is Windows 8 PRO, "via an add-in".


I'd suggest you check the Microsoft forums that Willy linked to in his note.  Maybe there's been an update to that status?

This link from MaximumPC also implies that only Win8 PRO is eligible to get the Media Center for free until January 31st:  http://www.maximumpc.com/article/news/got_windows_8_pro_download_me...


I have Windows Pro.  I will keep checking these FAQ's and forums, but so far...nothing has solved my problem.

Thanks.  I appreciate all the input.


Bummer....I thought that maybe you were rockin' plain 8.  If it's such a new machine, maybe it's still under warranty and you could call the Bali Help Desk?


Pete, not yet!!!!

I've just moved most of my pcs to Win7 and still learning, However, I still have one on XP, and anotrher on 2000! - LOL!!!

Now moving on to one of our local businesses - Spent some time at our local  hospital this weekend, and all their pcs are running XP still!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers! - AL

Hey, Al --  you running a TRS-80 yet?





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