TBD on Ning

We made it up to 421 pages on TBD - it's too late to turn back now!

Again, the idea is to post as many song titles as you can think of for a given word - tho good etiquette counsels that you not "run the category" all at once. Give other people a chance to think and post - and dig down deep into those obscurities in your music collection. And don't switch too soon - just because *you* can't think of another title doesn't mean there's not (say) a Klezmer Klassic running through somebody else's head.

I'll include the carryover list of words we've done in the next post.

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Funny how driving the Dan Ryan has a way of connecting me to my faith, too. :)
New Years Day - U2
I hope there aren't any Beatles songs I'm overlooking.

What's New? - Linda Ronstadt
I seem to be tracking a religious theme here - I associate this one with bungee jumping off the New River Bridge as if.

Praying to a New God - Wang Chung

Way Down Yonder in New Orleans - Freddy Cannon
More Nawlins ...

New Orleans Ladies - LeRoux

Hello Music Room.......make way for The New Pollution - Beck "
Welcome (back), Jeff! :)
Hey, Jeff!




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