TBD on Ning

We made it up to 421 pages on TBD - it's too late to turn back now!

Again, the idea is to post as many song titles as you can think of for a given word - tho good etiquette counsels that you not "run the category" all at once. Give other people a chance to think and post - and dig down deep into those obscurities in your music collection. And don't switch too soon - just because *you* can't think of another title doesn't mean there's not (say) a Klezmer Klassic running through somebody else's head.

I'll include the carryover list of words we've done in the next post.

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Replies to This Discussion

Have to share this with you, Ubu - I haven't heard that expression since my Kansas days!
I can't say that I use it on a daily basis or ever in serious conversation but I grew up twenty miles from Kansas.

That was good, Julie.
59th Street Bridge Song - Simon and Garfunkel
Feeling Groovy is not the name of the song. I keep forgetting that!
That's definitely a head-slapper!
RE: 59th Street Bridge Song
Great Phil Ochs song
No More Songs
This is a personal head-slapper - a chilling song from the tremendous Phil Ochs Greatest Hits (which is actually a deliberately cynical title of a 1970 album of all new songs).
Took some digging (since I couldn't recall the artist's name), but I finally found it.

A Song of Joy - Miguel Rios

Another cd that I listened to over and over. That is, the one Dave holds up. Tower of Song

Their album Play is one of the best live albums ever.

A Song from Under the Floorboards - Magazine

A bonus - the opening cut from Play, since I like it so much.




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