TBD on Ning

We made it up to 421 pages on TBD - it's too late to turn back now!

Again, the idea is to post as many song titles as you can think of for a given word - tho good etiquette counsels that you not "run the category" all at once. Give other people a chance to think and post - and dig down deep into those obscurities in your music collection. And don't switch too soon - just because *you* can't think of another title doesn't mean there's not (say) a Klezmer Klassic running through somebody else's head.

I'll include the carryover list of words we've done in the next post.

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OK, I created a spreadsheet of all of the "time" songs we've posted so far, and put it into a separate discussion for ease of reference. You're welcome.
Time Machine - Grand Funk Railroad

Come Home by Back Door Slam.

We started the "time" thread with Todd Rundgren's "Time Heals." It seems like every group produced by Todd Rundgren ends up sounding like ... Todd Rundgren. (Which is a good thing.) Case in point:

Prime Time - the Tubes

I didn't see it on our list so.....
I updated our "time" list on the separate thread - now up to 120!
Another one from Brian Auger - his funky side.

Voices of Other Times - Brian Auger's Oblivion Express

Wasn't sure if this one was posted...it is now!
Ain't Wasting Time No More - Allman Brothers
Now we're getting to the fun part of the thread - just when you think you've exhausted all the obvious titles, somebody posts a few classics and the everybody else goes "Duh, of course!" Good going on the last couple of pages (while I was stuck in Internet silence).

OK, no YouTube, but::

Time for Living - the Association
I love Tracy. :)
I better do this one before ubu does ... probably the most atypical Floyd song you'll ever hear (with Rick Wright on trombone, yet) - do the bump and grind!

Biding My Time - Pink Floyd

Time Stand Still - Rush




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