TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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Good day Lynn.  I had every good intention to stop in yesterday.  Does that count?  It turned out to be a very lazy day..... too lazy.  I am fighting my laziness today and so far I have been able to be slightly more productive.  LOL  I shouldn't rush into things.... right?  Hope you are having a good day.  It's cool and sunny here.

good intentions will get you a pass for yesterday.  it's ok, but i'm glad you stopped in today.  one more day and i'd have bailed.

i had a good swim, and picked up some things on my long-term-need2get shopping list -- a phone line connector, tape to fix some of the old pics that have backs coming off of them, envelopes to mail coupons to my daughter (she's the coupon queen, i'm certain!), odds'n'ends.

no reason to rush, after all, it is sunday!  i look at the weather map, every morning, and you are sooo lucky -- 100 miles east of you, it's plain cold!

I have been taking photos of Sharon's newest jewelry pieces today while watching the race.  I fed myself and have taken good care of the dogs.  LOL


Yup the east side of the Cascade Mountains gets coooold and dry.  Mount Hood ski places got 30"+ of snow over this weekend.  I hope they keep it all over on the east side.

it got up to 62 here today, but not really sunny.  still, beats a few days ago, for sure!  

is this jewelery she's acquired, or pieces she's making to sell?  don't think we talked much about that, i'm drawing a blank....

She makes bead jewelry pieces to sell.  If you would to see what she does go to:




She is having too much fun creating the pieces.  I am so happy she is having fun using her creativity.

Evening all...been one of those days. It is finally getting colder here..which I don't mind but some moisture is still needed.

The musical was wonderful, but then I always enjoy hearing Calder sing and act. He still won't believe everyone that his New York accent was wonderful. 

Tomorrow is my day off...HA...my list is already way too long.

hi, RRC.  glad you made it here.  

i always enjoyed seeing my son's performances, but since i never acted myself, it's strange to see him take on a different persona, that always unsettled me.  both your boys are talented in their own way, how nice that must be, for you!

Richard, thanks for that link.  She does beautiful work!  very intricate beadwork!  wow!  i've bookmarked that.

my friend Patti, in NC, talks about making jewelery, but i've not actually seen anything that she's done, so nothing to compare.  more like she does it for relaxation than anything else, i suspect.

Good Monday morning Lynn, RRC, Robbie and anyone else lurking around the lodge.  Have a happy turkey week.  It will be just another day for the most part for us.

and a good Monday to you, Richard!  ok, i didn't make it, in time for morning ( at least not for the rest of us) but i hope it's a good day for all!

have a conference call and then am heading for the pool....

It's back to work today...getting ready for the travelers who will be looking for a place to stretch their legs. It will be a long day today, I have got to get to the store and get my ingredients for Thanksgiving goodies.

But first I have to decide what I am fixing.

Good Tuesday morning to us three Mooskateers.  It's 50 degrees, 1/2 inch of pouring rain, and wind gusts to 15 mph.  I call it a blustery day. The leaves in the streets have plugged the storm drains creating ponds well out into the streets.  It will take a strong and determined person to walk without their umbrellas turning inside out.  I think I will stay inside for as long as possible until the storm blows over.  I hope your weather isn't as bad.




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