TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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thursday, and tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  so much more than the sale flyers in the newspaper are worth.  sigh.  there's a city parade on saturday, here -- that's something i don't ever remember experiencing before!  no, i prob'ly won't brave the crowd, but just knowing it's happening is neat!

Just checking in. Going to work on cleaning the inside of the RV and then drive the 50 mi or so to find a Starbucks to buy some coffee to send to my son. If I want him to get it before Christmas i have to get it in the mail before the 13th of Nov.

Since I am not a big fan of Starbucks, I'll use the card his girlfriend got me for my birthday. I'm sure she was thinking the old "Like Son, Like Father" idea. How's that for regifting. (:>) They'll never know. 

Robbie the card idea works for me!  I would not drive 10 miles to the nearest Starbucks.

Just a little longer and I will be done for the day. I still don't have an appetite but at least I am upright.

Be careful you don't let your system get too low a nutrition level RRC.

Robbie, you must be in the middle of nowhere -- 50 miles to a STarbucks?!?  in the condo, my nextdoor neighbor always gave us a pound of "Christmas Blend," usually left in front of the door on Christmas morning.  I always gave it to my sister, and then to my daughter, since i really don't like Starbucks at all, would rather have no caffiene than that bitter stuff.  i promise not to tell your son!

Richard and RRC, it occurs to me that i don't know if either of you is a veteran, and tomorrow's the day to honor those who've served.  I KNOW Robbie gets my thanks for his first career!

RRC, please take extra good care of yourself, 'til you're completely well!

Richard, When I said "I'll use the card" I meant that I'll use it to buy the coffee to ship to him. Since he is in a southern provence of Afghanistan, he would probably have to drive more than 50 miles to get to a Starbucks to use the card. LOL

Lynn, I near Livingston, TX. The nearest Starbucks is at Huntsville which is only 46 miles away. Since I am not that familiar with Huntsville(I try to stay away from Texas Prisons) I drove to the Woodlands which is a little less than 60 miles. There is one place in Houston where there are two

Starbucks right across the street from each other. You would think that they could spare one for Livingston. We do have a McDonalds and a Walmart.

The place Lewis is talking about in this clip exists in Houston, TX.

Pru took me there.

hi, Robbie!  i do know where The Woodlands is, a friend of mine bought a home there after his marriage ended, but then since he was living with his girlfriend when Katrina hit, he used it to house a family from N.O. and later gave them the house!

anyhow, did not have a clue where Livingston was, but i DO understand that shipping coffee to Afghanistan makes good sense.  my friend who was also our USPS mailman did one reservist tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, and they really appreciated Starbucks from home for the office coffee pots!

me, i wouldn't walk across the street for Starbucks.  good ol' "medium roast" is my preference, and i don't much care which brand, but the typical Starbucks dark roast is bitter and unpleasant to me.

Lynn, I feel the same way about Starbucks coffee. It's to damn bitter for me. But Bryan puts so much sugar and milk in it that it looks like a milkshake. Anyway need to get it in the mail tomorrow if possible.

BTW, Livingston is about 50 Mi North East of The Woodlands/Conroe area. 

Good morning weekenders!  Whatever you do today I hope it includes at least a little fun.  I don't know what that will be yet.  Still lookin!

Saturday, here we are!  Staunton actually has a Veteran's Day parade, today, but i didn't get there.

my big outing will be to take the last of the boxes to the dump, along with the regular recycle stuff, and then the grocery store.  but i'm happy to have enough money to buy groceries; i know there are some who struggle with that.

make it a good day for yourself!




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