TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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WOW!  i like it, looks GREAT!

in addition to the new door and side panels (which seem safer, w/ glad higher up), and the new mailbox, i'm thinking you changed the window in that part of the attic that hangs out over the porch?  that's more than just the diff in paint....

thanks for sharing the pics, Richard!

Nope, no change to the window just paint.

amazing how much larger it looks!  but the whole effect is GREAT!  you guys must be feeling very satisfied.  good colors, changes the whole character of the house!


I like it, Richard!

Thanks GL it's good to see you dropped by.  Come in again!

I'm with Lynn, Both the attic window and front door look bigger. Great job!

Thanks Robbie!  My neighbors across the street have a renewed view.  Now if they would get the hint and do something with their "Sanford and Son" house and yard we would have a nice view too.  LOL

Looks gorgeous Richard. 

I am alive..I have spent the last 2 1/2 days lying in bed..sick..sick..sick. Looks like I may be able to get back to work tomorrow. 

Oh!  Sorry you have been sick sick sick.  Get back to your self soon and please don't over do it at work.

Richard, I ran in to look at the porch pictures, and WOW!  THAT'S a porch!  You did a great job.  I love the color.  NOW are you going to take it easy?


RRC, I'm so sorry you're sick.  My son is down with the flu right now, and I know he was up all night with it.  I'm disinfecting, washing hands constantly and taking all precautions. I've even had my flu shot, but it always seems to get me.  I sure hope you're feeling better real soon.


Thank you Cat.  No more major projects for a while.  At least not outside.  :)

RRC, so sorry you've been sick. ugh.  i'd missed you, was wondering, but more hoping you were off playing somewhere.  sigh.

nice of Cat and Goldilocks to drop by!

good morning, Richard!  today is a THREE conference call day.  ugh.  i'll check in tonite....





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