TBD on Ning

Good morning!  The MOOSE has arrived!  WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!

What an absolutely beautiful day here in SW Pennsylvania. . . I'm going to get my kayak out of storage, renew my license and go check out some water around here today!  Forget housework, shopping and laundry!


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Fried ice cream is all I have this morning.  Someone better get the coffee going and some healthier food!



Good morning Cat! You got the right idea, weekends are for play and fried ice cream for breakfast.


Good morning Larry and Cat.  Yes, fried ice cream the breakfast of champions.  Anyone care to share their warm sunny weather with me?

Have a happy day today...have to get ready to go to training...it is a sunny but very windy day here...hope the building where I am going to learn about chemical warfare and response is soundproof...

Whatever you do today, do it with love and laughter

Coffee's on......
It is a beautiful day here too. I am hoping to get some of the planting ideas for in front of the store organized today.

Thankfully the wind is not blowing 50 mph today. YIPPEE!! 

good morning  all

it one more day in pairadise
Good morning Robert, you won't like the weather you are coming home to.

G'morning everyone!  Hi Moosie!  Going to see a production of Phantom of the Opera tonight.  My son's in the ensemble cast and it should be a great time.  But for now.....it's still coffee. 


Have a great Saturday all!  Have fun Cat!

Housework, Shopping and Laundry? Could some explain what  those are?
Robbie, I don't think I want to find out.  Hahahaha
Oh.  my.




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