TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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good morning, all!

so your last kid has his driver's license now, huh, RRC.  that's a transition, for sure!  enjoy your day "off", at least!

it was good to see my son, yesterday.  the restaurant was in a lovely setting, but the food was mundane, and i had a tough time getting served something i could eat, but since it was son's birthday, i just sucked it up.  we sat outside by the lake and talked for a long while afterwards, then went our separate ways.

Good Afternoon all!!! RRC, Kiefer is driving now!!! Yaaay!!! I remember when all our kids were driving... It certainly freed up a lot of time... :)  Lynn, glad to hear you had an enjoyable lunch with your son on his birthday... Food isn't everything, but time well spent with our kids is.... :)  Love ya (((HUGS)))..

I had a great Saturday... I joined my sisters for a visit to my son's new apartment... We sat around for a while and chatted and then we all decided to take a little ride to visit and see the area... It took a while to decide where we all wanted to stop and have lunch... A cute little restaurant was nixed by one of my sisters... She decided that there was no way she was going to eat at a restaurant that was named "The Chicken Coop"!!!! LMAO!!! Well, we finally made a choice of restaurants and it had a nautical theme... Very nice... Here's a couple of pics from our day:


This is my son Chip with his two Aunts: Aunt Leah and Aunt Bev(the chicken coop hater.. LOL)

 This is sister, Leah... Me... and sister , Bev...  We found the half-boat very interesting!!! LOL

yep, you LOOK like sisters!  glad it was a good time!  yay!!!!!!


Yay for family get togethers!!  Dayem Larry you got the prettiest one!  How did you manage that?

Sunday was also a great day... To help lighten 9/11 and also to lighten our spirits watching The Steelers have a bad day, who should arrive at our doorstep??? CAT!!!! Yaaaaayyyy!!! We had a great visit with a lot of talk and laughter and some great pizza thrown in too!!!


Here's Cat's arrival!!!

Cat looks soooo studious here... Not at all in character for her... LOL

Larry is making Cat laugh again!!!

One more pic for the road... Love ya, Cat!!!!

looks like you guys had a great time!
It's a good thing Larry stepped in to bring Cat's smile back.  She looked way too serious.  LOL

I'm glad to see someone else who carries a purse as big as mine!  *smiling*

I'm happy you guys had a great visit!

Awww. thanks for sharing the pictures Kitty, I bet Larry was confused with Kitty and Cat both in the house. 

Yes, Kiefer is driving...he has what in Kansas is known as a "farm permit". Because we own land he can get this permit to drive to and from school and "work" on the farm...which is funny since we don't farm the ground. I know he will do fine getting to school, the hard part will be he can't give any friends a ride with this permit. And we all know how once you have your first car you want to give all your friends a ride. 

I need to get a salad made for the funeral dinner tomorrow...plus we have the "What's up in Russell" coffee tomorrow at 8 AM...can you imagine?? I have to be up and going that early. 


too early, to be ready and there by 8 am, but hey, you're representing the business, so you gotta', huh?

hmmm, interesting to learn about the "farm permit" to drive.  at least it's only for himself, huh....

Good morning guys!  It's Tuesday, what does that mean to you?




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