TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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Hi KC!

i did run out and get groceries this morning, and so didn't get soaking wet, at least.  it's just gray and damp, not seriously raining, but the weather still says it's gonna'....  clouds are moving from SE to NW, very odd, so clearly this is tropical something-or-other!  cool-ish for summer, too, but i'm not minding that.  and looking at the weather map, it seems that TX's streak has finally been broken, even tho' most of TX didn't get any moisture at all from Katia.

yes, Kittycat, it'd be great if i could combine seeing Char's new home with a visit w/ you guys & Robbie, too!

Another good day here in P City {{{{Lynn}}}}.  Been out tuck pointing the mortar joints on the south garage wall after power washing it and the front steps.
that's a tedious chore, Richard!  did you get it all done in a day?  (i'm thinking not possible, but maybe, if just the front wall?)
Nawwww I saved some to do tomorrow.  lol  It got too hot and the mortar was drying before I could stuff it all in the cracks.  LOL

HI everyone!  Stopping in to check the site....Crystal's having trouble getting in.  It's colllllld here in Northern Indiana....autumn is near.  Spending the day cleaning, doing laundry, just putzin around the house.....a pretty nice day actually.  Oh and I went for a walk and cleaned a dead mouse off my sidewalk some animal apparently left me.  How sweet.


Happy Labor Day everyone!!  Rest up!  Back to work tomorrow.

I am resting just because.  So why not?  LOL
somebody's cat (apparently you don't have one?) left that mouse to you for a gift!  you're so ungrateful, belle!  LOL
Thank you all for your caring thoughts and prayers for Sharon's mother.  She was discharged today and back home feeling pretty good.  We may pay her a visit on Thursday.
wishing you well and safe, for that one, Richard!
Thanks Lynn!

It's Mon, oops, I mean Tue. Morning and I'm sitting here looking out the RV window at the non rain. I am even starting to see some blue sky.  I'm sure i'm hallucinating. I mean, The Weather Channel assured me that it would be raining today. Oh well, in a little bit I'll go outside and start getting ready to leave tomorrow.

  TeeBub has ask, over in the Feb Meet-up group, for suggestions about what to do during the meet.  I'm thinking we could all go over to the beach and take pictures of BAF in her bikini. I mean, it will be Feb and she is Canadian.  it is not unusual in Florida, in Feburary, to see year round Floridians standing around in overcoats watching the Canadians froliking in the surf. Oh well, I'm sure some of you can come up with some unique suggestions.

The Sun just broke through.





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