Morning all.....
I for one am thrilled to see summer gone....heading to highs of 108 today...BLECH...I am ready for fall. We are on heat schedule at school again today so Kiefer will be out by 1 pm.
Thanks for the coffee Doug, I am going to need it today.
Have a good one......
(((((Cat))))) Thanks for the cereal. And the special decoration.(((((Doug))))) Thanks for the coffee. I needed it. My first day back amoung the unemployed. I slept in. My son called from Afghanistan, i was in the toilet of course. Did get to the phone in time to talk to him. They are flying around the clock. His roomie was sleeping, so he was typing and I was talking. Had a good visit. Then took Happy out for his morning walk. Now I better get cleaned up and start getting ready to head North next Tue.
RRC, It's susposed to be in the low 90's here today. Bet that feels like winter to you and the people in Texas.
Nice you got to talk to your son! Where are you headed Robbie? The burgh is real nice this time of the year.
p.s., we forgot to get you out in the kayak at the meet. Shame on me. Come on back up, we'll do a mini meet, and go kayaking.
good morning, and thanks for beginning September, Cat!
there were details to finish, from the settlement yesterday, but now that's all done and all i have to do is wait for the check.... and then all the administrivia of closing out the estate, but i'll sure be glad to get it done.
starting to settle in, but can't say this apartment feels like home yet.
I am sure it will start feeling like home soon Lynn. Once you get all your things arranged just the way you want it.
I will be heading to the orthopedic surgeon soon, I am really hurting today so hope he has some answers....and that one of those answers isn't surgery.
The wind is howling like crazy and the heat is incredible...thank goodness for AC.
good luck, let us know what the doc says, RRC!
as for feeling like home, it's arranged now, but it's not my "stuff", it's my sister's furniture and my "stuff" is still packed up in the condo basement; all my furniture is gone, 'cept for the family antiques. gonna' take a lot longer to re-establish.
Bring on fall Moosie!!
I am home and I survived. Sat for 2 hours then finally saw the doc. He looked over the MRI and xrays....looks like a minor tear in the rotator cuff and a fluid filled mass from irritation. Long story short I got a big ole coritzone shot in the shoulder, we will see how it goes and in three weeks if it isn't better he said a 'small scope to repair the tear'.
I guess it was finally my time to see him, he has done 2 knee surgeries on hubby's knee, one surgery on my oldest son, checked out the broken bone in my youngest and done both of my Dad's knee replacements. He is awesome.
So now I am snuggled in bed with a pain pill and a sleeping pill. Hope I get a good night's sleep and I will see you all in the morning!!
Good Morning All,
Hope everybody is ready for the big weekend. I have an appointment to get the Jeep serviced this morning and then spend the next three days getting ready to head to WV.
Cat I am thinking about a trip up to your area to see you guys. Larry and Carole say that I am always welcome at their place. We'll see how the month of Sept unfolds.
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