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Hey - where is everybody? Rise & Shine! It's Monday Morning!

...oh, never mind... stay in bed & sleep in.

Tags: Monday

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Carefull not to spill coffee on that couch, you know how clumsy you can be. :)
I'm not wearing white so it will be fine.

Good monday morning to all who pass this way...

I still have two days off so hope to use them wisely, just finished a marvelous book, one that I did not want to end, called the Knitting Circle,...now it is up and at em...going to weigh in at ww....have a meeting with a friend, then who knows..just love the evenings when i can stay up late and sleep in in the am's....one more, then back to work for me until the next break...is so nice to have that kind of flexibility...

Hope all have a Marvelous Monday, filled with love and laughter

I will spend  my last day hear in mixeco my the sea wall and have a bloody mary and watch the time go by in the sun
Sounds great Robert! Enjoy!

Hello all. See d's we're about showing up here, just not always early...glad you made it through work yesterday, Robbie.

Not tardy, Larry and KC, just very early for this evening!

Move over, Wendel, I need the coffee and the couch too. 

Robert, I hope you enjoy sipping that last bloody mary and soaking up the sun.

thally, you sound busy anyway. Enjoy.

cat, come back!

Good afternoon all you guys.  Cloudy today after a sun filled Sunday.  It hasn't really rained yet.  Maybe the dry can squeeze by and show up tomorrow.  I might head over to that quiet corner, since the couch is full, curl up and take a nap now.
Good afternoon, everyone. I'm trying to get motivated to go on a bike ride. I have a cold & am feeling a little blue... anticlimactic being home after a nice weekend out of town. It's hard to get up the stamina to go for a ride, but I need to b/c it's less than 2 weeks 'til I ride in the Tour de Cure fundraising event for the American Diabetes Association & I am NOT ready to ride 10 miles yet! ;-p

Good afternoon all!!! D's, 10 miles, Oh my!!!!  I wouldn't even be able to do 1 mile!!! More power to ya, my friend!!! :)

Hope everyone has a great evening ahead!!!

Robert, have another bloody mary for me!!!! LOL  Wish I were there!!!

Hi, guys! Good to see you all this evening. Hope everybody's doing well & thanks for the well wishes on my upcoming big bike ride. I rode a couple miles this afternoon, even though I'm home w/a cold today. I figured I could make at least a couple miles, & I did. 


Wishing everyone at Moosie's a lovely evening...

hello, all!  

thanks for opening, d's girl!  glad you had a good weekend, but yeah, coming back down is tough, for sure!

i'm late, but i got here.  what Kittycat says is true, it's about showing up to check in, whenever we do or we can!




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