TBD on Ning

OK, Here goes.

It is the third. Of may that is. I haven't been here for a while and decided to check in. Saw that the April 2012 Discussion had  been closed. When the REPLY tag vanishes that means the discussion is closed. I thought about reopening it and then changed my mind and opened this one.



Tags: May, New, Who, what, when, where., why

Views: 340


Replies to This Discussion

Beautiful May Morning here in Racoon Valley RV Park near Knoxville, TN.

Actually the picture was taken at a KOA in Forsyth, GA.

That is where we stopped for the night on the way here.

Will be here for the month of May and then move on.

Hope everyone is having "A Wonderful Month of May, When the Jackasses are at Play".

Don't read anything into that. It is just a phrase from an old Bawldy Song that we used to sing when I was a young, horny, male. Well at least I'm still a Male! LOL   

thanks, Robbie.  i felt like i'd done the last several months and it was time for someone else to step up.  after all, that thread was titled APRIL....

and yes, you've been MIA, so i'm glad to see you returned.  where are you going to spend the summer, this year?

hi to the rest of you....

Hi all....great picture Robbie. I am still hanging out at work. Nothing earth shaking except a cute kitty that our pumper found on a lease road. If he won't take her we hope a lady next to Ward's office will give the sweety a home. 

Track meet today, it is hot and miserable but I hope to get to see Kiefer run....once I get done at the store.

saw the pic of your kitteh, that dirt schmear on its nose is really appealing!  hope you don't yet end up keeping it!

i'm sure Kiefer did well at the meet, hot or not....  mom's probably wilted, tho'....  have a grand weekend!

Hi guys!  Sheeesh I am too busy for my taste.  I am hoping I will have some free time by the end of the month.

Robbie, a nice photo of your and Happy.  It's great to see you here.  Thanks for starting the May thread.

Lynn, I know what you mean about the dental suction thing.  I have a small mouth so the big one is too much and rarely in the right place.

That's a cute kitty Crystal.  I hope you got to see your son run.  I used to enjoy watching the cross country runners when in high school.

hi, Richard.  busy = income, so be careful what you ask for....  thanks for support about my neurosis of things dental!

Good evening all. Back safe ans sound from SF and now am at my AAAlanon retreat in Deer Valley. Last time I was here, in October, we had sun then snow, then more sun. Is a fabulous weekend. Lots of recovering young people up here and that makes my heart sing. As both of my daughters are sober, one 17 years last Feb and the other will be sober 17 years on the forth of July...she, Alia was only 19 when she got sober and Jenn was25.... I am so blessed to be alive, to have my health, my joy and my happiness
Have a day tomorrow filled with love and laughter. And if you can see it look at the moon...it reminds me how small we are in the scheme of things
Robbie, thanks for starting May.
And hello to each and every one of you who visit here

when my daughter was in the NA program, she used to LOVE the retreats!  i hope yours was as great as i remember hers being!  she came out of rehab and psyche hospital as a sophomore, relapsed w/ bulimia and maybe other behaviors but sorted it out, and graduated HS at least.  she left the program after several years, but seems to be happy and healthy now, 20 years later.  we had a long talk this morning.  the 20-year HS reunion (which she did not attend) prompted a bunch of exchanges on facecrack, and she's struggling with some of the memories that she recalls as "bad person" behaviors, yet at least one of her friends has come back to thank her for something she said (back then) that turned his life around.  all i could say was that the sexual acting out she did was not "bad" because it wasn't evil or malicious, altho' it was definitely not "good" for HER emotional health, but it's likely no different than what many adult women choose to do with their sex lives anyhow, and that she is beyond fortunate that she became neither pregnant nor diseased, but that i hope she can forgive herself for the things she doesn't even want to tell me about (and surely i have no desire to hear!)

my sister's oral cancer was likely the result of her drinking/smoking years, even tho' she was 25+ years sober when it attacked her, and 10 years post-quitting smoking.  both behaviors run rampant in both sides of my family, and my kids' father's family too.  yes, you are indeed blessed and it warms my heart that you accept and revel in that!  you paid quite enough dues, Thalia!

i celebrate that you found sobriety, and that you can make a living giving back, helping the ones who want help, to do the same.  and so, i do absolutely understand your joy that your girls found sobriety and i continue to hold your other child in my heart.

Cinco de Mayo!  have a margarita or at least some chips and salsa, in honor of the occasion! 

**crisis of conscience, here -- do i post pic of margaritas after my response to thallygal?  yes, along with something suitable for her and the rest of the sober world, too!**  well, actually, no, because i deleted all those pics when i cleaned up my hard drive last weekend!  all the food pics and all the "bartender" drink pics and the coffee/tea pics too, that i used to serve in TBD/Daily Grind and TBD/teebeedee/TheGatheringPlace are gone.  ~poof~

so, instead, i give you . . .  The Story of Cinco de Mayo!

Sunday and it feels like i've spent the WHOLE weekend house-hunting, but actually, only a couple hours.  got the "official" notice about lease renewal, altho 2 1/2 months early, and between the property manager, the 2 flights of stairs, and the fact that i'm hemorrhaging cash, it seems right to look around and see what other choices might suit.  well, i've been casually looking, but to get serious.  there's a single wide modular home, 2BR 2BA brand new that is an option -- assuming i can get a mortgage!  it'd be a "secured" loan, so i hope so, will know later in the week.  and then a new apt complex that i'd seen an ad for, a few months back but lost track of...finally found that again!  drove down to look at the buildings today, nowhere near full occupancy so maybe i could get a ground floor unit!  nothing's open on sundays here, but i left a message, maybe they'll call back tomorrow. only obvious down side is the lack of a balcony, but if the price is right, i'll get over that, i suppose.  don't have the gorgeous view of where i'm at now, but once i drive out of the parking lot, it's right there, and maybe an even better one, since there's no WalMart & Lowe's roofs, LOL!

i don't feel rushed yet, but don't want to end up waiting too long, either.  so that was my weekend.  lots of conference calls, this coming week....

Lynn I hope you find something affordable and comfortable to live.  I have worked too much of my weekend.  Stopped to watch a movie yesterday and another today.  I am finding it difficult to pick a film that I am confident I will like.  I am taking Sharon to the gastroenterologist tomorrow afternoon for a routine "stickup".  (TMI)  So my work day will be a short one.  I advised my client that I am unable to finish my work on time because he has not provided the information I need to start on the office/recreation building and swim pool.  Hopefully I can buy another 3 to 3 weeks.

Have a great week you all.

Happy Monday morning
Lynn you can put pics of whatever drink you want. Doesn't bother me
Today my first day of not going to work on Monday. Seems strange yet am sure I will get used to it. Tomorrow back to different reality. Hehehe
Steve and I are agoing to see my brother this afternoon...do not think that he is doing well. Am so glad that i am having this time to spend with him
I hope all of you have a day filled with love and laughter
More on retreat later, was powerful




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