TBD on Ning

Good Morning everyone. I'm sure you are all wondering why I've called this meeting.

I'm certainly glad to see so many smiling faces. 

We'll now start handing out the awards. I'll announce them and as I do I want you to line up to receive them right over here.

I have decided to let each of you first announce what award you think should be given and to who. Or is that whom?

Tags: Laggards, Lazy, beautiful, early, people, risers

Views: 18

Replies to This Discussion

There are several here that should get awards for being the most encouraging...always in a supporting us and pushing us when we have a bad day.
You all know who you are...thanks for being so wonderful.


Including you Ruby.......hugs!!

And NOW I'd like to present. . . .  



An award for our very own. . . Robert!


I agree!  RRC and Belle, you both deserve awards!  You are always there for all of us.

thank you, Marty, I'll graciously accept an award for continuing to chase down and participate in this group!


chain mail -- have you ever tried to pick up a suit of that stuff?  my son was going to make himself chain mail vest, as armor, since he does medieval war game things, including REAL fighting with mock weapons.  he got a piece about 2 ft by 3 ft made, and realized that he wouldn't be able to stand up, wearing the whole thing -- it is HEAVY!!!!!!!

Lynn, great point!  Wow, we sure have been around.  


Fanny. . . wow, she deserves an award.  Still thinking on that one.

Good afternoon!Fanny best sense of Humor.
Susan, most down-to-earth member, with your cooking and your critters, you're a wonderful example!
what did I do to get this award

I guess you're just a good guy!


Hot, hot, hot in the house. . . I hate turning on the a/c in April.
What?  Air conditioning!  Send me some of that warmth please.




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