TBD on Ning

Good morning, all. I'm usually on my way to work at this time,

but I'm taking a sick day today, so I thought I'd check in @ Moosie's.

And here I am, the first to come through the door this morning!

I hope everyone here is safe & sound after the terrible storms that have

ripped through our country the last day or 2.

I'll leave some coffee & breakfast for you & wish you all a lovely Thursday-


Tags: Did You Survive the Storms?, Good Morning, Happy Thursday

Views: 29

Replies to This Discussion

Wow, what a nice surprise!  Good morning d's girl! 

I hope you're ok down there with all this bad weather.  I've been thinking about you, so I was glad to see you had opened!  Stay safe!

Good morning!Nice breakfast!
G'morning Susan!  No storm damage there, I hope.

Good Morning, Sure glad I have this work kamper job. Otherwise I very well could have been on my way to WV yesterday.

(((((D's)))), That is one nice spread. I will have a second helping before I head to Houston.

Mornin (((((Susan))))), (((((Cat))))

((((Robbie)))) back atcha! Glad you're safe & sound in TX, Robbie.
Good morning!  What a yummy breakfast.  I'll pass on the cereal if it is soggy already.  LOL  What' with this weather?  I am happier I live in the rain forest of the US.

Morning all....hey there d's thanks for the great opening looks yummy!!

No bad weather here, [knock on wood] the devastation in AL is horrific. The mayhem left after a tornado is indescribable, I have seen enough to attest to that. 

I am off to get a haircut this morning, I would love to stop in later today, just depends on how hectic the store is.


Good Morning, great breakfast!! (((Cat))) (((Susan))) (((d’s))) Robbie and rhb

Good morning, gang! Good to see you all. Yes, RRC, Alabama has awful devastation & 100 or more dead. That's just terrible. Cat, I made out fine, thank you. I did, however, take precautions. I bought bags of topsoil yesterday to use as 'sandbags' & put them in the danger zone at my house. I also pushed towels against the downstairs door that hasn't held the previous flooding at bay. But all was well when I woke up & it didn't seem we got any of the storm. I thought from the weather maps last night that there was a chance the storm front might just miss us to the west & I guess it did.


Good!  Glad you're safe!
Thank you! Love your avatar & that hat! You look happy, as usual. '-)




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