TBD on Ning

Happy Mothers' Day to all moms out there! No cooking for us today. Let's see what the guys bring.

Another beautiful day for today.  Relax, have fun, enjoy the day!

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A great pic indeed!


Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful mothers!!!!


Hope everyone has a beautiful and happy day!!! It's sunny here in beautiful Ohio with 60+ degrees... My kind of day!!! The kids have all checked in... Caleb just popped in and I got a great big hug from him... Life is good!!!

have a great Mother's Day, Kittycat!
cat makes me want to go to Texas to see my grand kids or Idaho
Marty, the furry, fuzzy ones count too!
Now the place is jumping....Love the pics of the kiddos Cat...and from the sounds of it, we have all had our moments with our 'kids'. 
Mine has arrived home, the family he was spent the night with made both boys go to church, I waved from the choir loft and got no response. Imagine that. LOL
I now have a new watch made from a fork...purchased at our store, yes, he has excellent taste.
I will be heading out to see my Mom soon, have a wonderful day everyone.
[Marty, one of my fuzzy babies is snuggled up to me purring, after he spent the night out prowling. Gotta love them too]
I love Family Guy. I'm shallow.
Ha ha Cat. My son finds it very funny to imitate that boy. It's even more annoying with a grown-up child.....
I think we need a road trip, so we can all go shopping at RRC's shop!
I'm ready for the road trip, just let me know when.

I really need to get this six month commitment over and done.

Got to work again tomorrow.




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