TBD on Ning

good morning to you all and gig in

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I know exactly how you feel!!! LMAO!!!  Invariably, whenever we would watch the little ones, Lar or I or both of us would be sick for a week or 2 after... Always seemed like a cold or something would get us!!! LMAO!!! It doesn't happen near as much now that they're 7 and 8... Hmmm.. I wonder if Lar and I have gained some immunity along the way or if the kids gained the immunity!!! Hmmmm, food for thought!  lol
Hi DD!  Great to see you here!
Hi DD!!! Muah!!! Glad to see you here!!!!  (((HUGS))) too!!!

Hi everyone ......it's a Gwenny day and she keeps hogging the computer ....lol    Seems that a lot is happening today ...prayers went out for Dana's sister ....Ruby I hope Kiefer gets the support he deserves !!!!! It sounds like he has friends who have his back , I feel that is important .  Bullying cannot be tolerated in schools AT ALL !!!!!

Glad your getting help with the pain Robert.....and what a beautiful opening....... take care everyone...I saw Moosie he's busy being poked....lol

hear I setting in the rain but in one more I will be in the sun and I get to have A bloody Mary or fore  cant wait my friend Dr mike and nurse mike are both going after all the the hell I put them throe they need it
Nice Robert!!

Hi all,

DD am sooooooooooooooo glad you are joining us here,

Belle, light going to your family and prayers for a healing, however that might be

RRC, am so sorry to hear about your son's being bullied...I just went to a critical crisis response team training last night and will be doing again on a saturday all day, first thing we did was to have  a moments silence for those at columbine...and i began that years ago...that began with bullying...how very sad...children can be so cruel...so you are in my thoughts and prayers

Robert, yu have a marvelous time on your trip and a happy Thursday afternoon to all who pass this way, after hours

spend tomorrow filled with love and laughter

Just talked to Moosie. . . all is well. . . poor Moosie.  Didn't even know MA shut down. . .!!!!!!


But NOW he knows, and he's looking forward to being with us again.  We'll be seeing him soon.  

Thanks for the update cat....will be good to have him here again....

Evening!  Omg, Levi is too cute for words!


Thank you for all your warm wishes.  My sister came through her surgery like a champ!  Although, she spent more time in recovery than in the actual surgery.  I guess losing half a lung will take a toll on recovery time.  Seriously, we are grateful she did so well.  Her breathing was miraculously good after and they didn't even have her on oxygen.  I must say, I expected it to be much worse.  Once she got the hang of her morphine pump, she went out for some much needed rest.  Modern medicine is truly amazing.  Thank you so much again for the support.  I appreciate it very much.  xoxo

Thanks for sharing the great news belle!




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