TBD on Ning

Alas,  The year is coming to an end.  Am planning (best laid plans) to visit here at least one time a day. And to make December bright in my eyes.  Love and laughter and good riddance to 2012.

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it's nearly suppertime on Christmas Eve.  i hope each person here -- those of you who celebrate Christmas, at least -- has a joyful Christmas Day!

i awoke mid-morning to big fat fluffy snowflakes falling out of the sky!  beautiful at times, but other times, it was sleet and rain, rain continued all afternoon.

son John and his g/f Holly arrived ~6 pm yesterday, and left ~5 pm today.  this is the first overnite visit from any of my kids, in many years, and i'm delighted to say it turned out well, and i enjoyed their company!

That is just great Lynn, I know you were so happy. Merry Christmas to you and all Moosies that come this way.

Christmas Day, and i slept in.  had one gift to open, from a friend in NC -- a tiny stuffed bear in a drawstring pouch.

we exchanged family gifts on sunday evening, when son was here, and i'll see the two girls this coming weekend for a Christmas visit.  plus a few friends in between.

wishing each one who passes through here a peaceful and joyful day.

brrrr. snow and sleet here, visibility maybe 1/2 mile, but everything is somewhere between white and light gray.  glad i don't need to go "out" anywhere, since there's not been a plow thru here and the parking lot is covered with about an inch of slush.  i watched a pickup try to get up the steep curving hill to the main roadway, but he lost traction on the slight slant of the parking lot, never actually made it onto the hill!  so, even with all-wheel drive, there's just nowhere i need to go badly enough to risk getting behind the wheel today.  with luck, i'll be able to go swim tomorrow....  then more of the slippery stuff to drive home in, on Saturday night, possibly.  that's definitely not good news, but i can always find a hotel if the roads are bad in northern Virginia....

hope everyone is recovering from yesterday, whether it was too much food or family stresses!  funny how they can get to us even if they're distant!  and if you've only financial stressors from Christmas, you may be one of the fortunate ones!

Hello!  A very calm quiet day here yesterday.  Much rain and quite chilly.  What else is new?  Hahaha  We are due sub-freezing weather starting tonight then warming above 32f during the weekend.  No snow is forecast but they have been wrong before..... once I think!  ;-)

This definitely the time of year to choose travel wisely.  Many years ago I met an architect from Fairbanks Alaska at a regional AIA conference.  He said whenever he traveled (via bush pilot) he always packed for a minimum 2 weeks stay at his destination in case he couldn't get back home.  I am so happy that isn't a concern here.  And, I am grateful I don't have to go anywhere if I don't want.  Food being an exception of course.

sorry it's so cold there.  icy here overnite, but i'm hoping it melts tomorrow, so i can go swim!

Happy Wednesday everyone

Has been very cold here today as well, this weather crazy all over...Today is my first and last day of work this week...yipeeee...and I have six days off now...

We had a marvelous Christmas, Christmas eve with the kids and grandkids at my granddaughters Alex...and then the daughters and two of my granddaughters went to see Les Mis yesterday and Alia and I to dinner for Tai food....she was grumpy...called me today and asked me out to dinner...went and she took me...she said an apology for her grumpiness yesterday...what a great kid I have....:-)  tomorrow am going to dinner with my good friend michelle, who is here from Travers City visiting her daughter and family...I miss her and will be good to see her again...then who knows what this weekend will bring...on the seventh have an art showt o attend...one of my clients showing one of her pics...and then the following weekend, get to look forward to having a friend visit from somewhere in Virginia...(grin) am excited about that a lot...hope it will be warm here hahahahaaaa...

well all of you have a great thursday filled with love and laughter

ah, Thalia, a one-day work week!  not too shabby!

glad your christmas was good.  friday morning, i'm heading north to see my daughters, so you guys won't hear from me 'til sunday, most likely....

and yes, i can sure wish it warm but Denver on January 12/13 isn't likely to be warm, no way no how!  but i am looking forward to seeing you!

Richard, hope you get a bit warmer than freezing!  weather map suggests that your highs will be in the 40s at least?  sure hope so!

Aggie, thanks for stopping in.

RRC, i'm hoping you've recovered from Christmas....

Good Morning Moosies................hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, please have a great weekend and a Happy New Year...........dropping off some coffee and doughnuts.

Good morning all,

Sun is shining after a gloomy day yesterday...although I really do not mind those gloomy days every once in a while.  Had lunch with my friend MIchelle, who is visiting her daughter, she lives in Travers City...so that was really fun...Going to a meeting this afternoon and then home to do laundry, doesn't that sound like fun...Then who knows....am such a spontanious person,never know from one minute to the next what I will be doing...

Have a fabulous Friday filled with frolic, love and laughter




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