TBD on Ning

Okay, I have searched and searched and I can't find any of you. I don't want to be 'IT' anymore...I wanna chance to hide too.

But first I want another cup of coffee.


Tags: coffee, hide, seek

Views: 39

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here you go!

i'm just waking up good, thanks for opening!

and here's some for Marty, and then for the other coffee drinkers, and tea for our Cat....

for Marty



plenty for everyone else


and for Cat...

and now some breakfast


OK, that all looks pretty good!  I think I'll start with a waffle and a piece of bacon.  Thanks Lynn!

No stories today, just tired. . . it looks like we'll have some rain soon.  

All is quiet here.  We had a little excitement earlier when one of our attorneys passed out in his office and the ambulance came.  He's in the hospital now, but so far all tests are normal.  

Y'all have a great day, even if it's raining.


medical problems in the workplace are always disruptive -- hope your guy turns out to be okay!
glad you're back in the land of the living, Marty!
hear I am not doing to good  did to much in the and paying for it 
thank you for the good food
you're welcome for the food, Robert.  that's a lovely music box, just beautiful!  i'm sure you must've made it, huh?
yes Lynn I did thought I start small to back in to work so did this fore my douther
the wood grain is as lovely as the detailing.  well done!

Very beautiful Robert.

Lynn, That is some spread. I am now very hungry.

Had to take my RV in to be worked on this morning. Just now got on the computer.

Did RRc ever find any of you?




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