TBD on Ning

Almost half over...how fast time flies when we are having fun. Really wish I were at the meetup...Looks as if they are having soooooooooooo much funnnnnnn....Have a month (or what is left of it) filled with LOVE and LAUGHTER

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By the way, we bought a memory foam bed.  Last night was the second night sleeping on it.  So far so good.

Do I need to introduce myself? It has been a bit crazy and more evenings I don't make it too the computer once I arrive at home. 

I can see where you are coming from Lynn on the fears for the country. I do and will own a gun but that is how I was raised. There were always guns in the house, it was just a fact of life. I will be so happy when the political upheaval is over for a while. But then we can begin to listen to everyone bitch when there candidate won, or their candidate should have won. ~sigh~ 

Play practice begins next week, I will be booked solid for the next 6 weeks since I will be in the production of "Kitchen Witches". You gotta love community theater.

It's a blue moon tonight, everyone get out there and gaze at the moon a while and enjoy some peace and tranquility. 

hi, RRC.  i surely remember you, no re-intro needed, but i've missed you here.  still, understand that real life takes precedence over computer time, and i think that's both right and appropriate.  **tiny pity party here** sadly, i have only a small "real life" so my virtual pals are very important, and i do miss you when you're absent for a while. 

please don't misunderstand!  i don't feel judgemental about weapons, just that i'm not willing to own one.  cannot argue, i'll sure be glad when the election hoopla subsides and we have a couple months until the new Congress begins its next set of standoffs, but imho, that may be the riskiest time for the nation.

my son did lots of community theater productions, that's what drove him to migrate to California, but when he saw what the "acting community" in L.A. was, he eventually decided to do his acting in a courtroom, instead.  but i sorta' kinda' DO understand the appeal!

Richard, i'm glad you&Sharon are good with the memory foam bed!  i still adore mine, but by now you've figured out that it requires learning a whole new set of 'turning over' skills....  hope you both feel better?!?

Blue moon, indeed.  waiting for it to rise, it'll show up in front of the window i look out of, sitting at my desk!  then, once darkness arrives, i may have to grab a few pics....

saturday night.  i mis-read the date, and thought there was a dance "for mature singles" nearby, tonite.  turns out it would have been tomorrow.  i'm glad i called the number "for more information" because the Moose Lodge where the dance would have been held is closed for the holiday weekend.  sigh.  but first sunday in October, maybe i'll try again.

Kind of disappointing I bet.  But now you have good info on something you can look forward to attending.

mixed -- the anxiety of going to a new venue was difficult, but really, a "mature" singles venue in a county with only 100K people seemed too good to be true.  so yes, i will do it again next month!

we sanded the porch floor today then painted it.  It looks nice and clean again.  I guess I need to program time to keep it swept on a regular basis.  Hey, I am retired isn't that what I am supposed to do?  LOL

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

bet your new porch floor and steps and front of house all look superb!  as for sweeping the porch?  ummm, whenever you notice it needs it, seems quite often enough!

thanks for stopping by!

we got the remnants of Isaac this morning, rain & t'storms.  maybe some more on monday, i'm still getting weatherRadio broadcasts about severe t'storms slightly east, but it may fizzle out by monday, who knows....

another coolish day with sporadic rain and t'storms.  the last of Isaac passing over us on its way out to sea.  at least i hope it's the last, maybe a little early tomorrow....

but i like listening to the rain falling down

Good Tuesday morning!  Lynn if you like the sound of rain so much I'll send more rain your way over the next few months.  LOL

Yesterday morning it felt like fall when I took the pups outside.  I could see my breath.  This morning Sharon said it is supposed to reach into the 90s for a bit.  Yay!!  LOL

Good Tuesday morning!  Lynn if you like the sound of rain so much I'll send more rain your way over the next few months.  LOL

Yesterday morning it felt like fall when I took the pups outside.  I could see my breath.  This morning Sharon said it is supposed to reach into the 90s for a bit.  Yay!!  LOL




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