TBD on Ning

Almost half over...how fast time flies when we are having fun. Really wish I were at the meetup...Looks as if they are having soooooooooooo much funnnnnnn....Have a month (or what is left of it) filled with LOVE and LAUGHTER

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Have a happy Saturday filled with love and laughter

You too Thalia and Lynn and Crystal.

hi, all!  cool-ish and gray here, but not raining, so i've got windows open, it's lovely!

wishing you all some good fun and relaxation this weekend!

sunday afternoon, and the sun's peeking thru!  the cool was nice, but the gray was starting to get to me....

monday, and it's the last week of summer.  nights are already getting cooler but the days aren't so short that it's distressing yet, and the leaves aren't turning, so i don't yet have to face the grief that is, for me, fall....

i hope all of our "regulars" here -- RRC, Thalia, Richard -- and our drop-ins too (Goldilocks! and maybe Cat & Robbie, altho' we've not seen them in a 'coon's age) will have a great week, and please make some plans to have fun over the coming holiday weekend.

It's Tuesday morning now.  I too am not looking forward to Fall because it leads into winter.  The weather has been cooler days and nights but not so cool that the spiders web across the paths from one day to the next.  :)

The home 2 doors down just sold for a tidy sum.  It has been updated inside and out putting ours to shame.  It's bigger than ours and has a finished basement.  I don't blame them for moving.  As you can guess, Lynn, this neighborhood isn't the best for raising their two small children.

My long time friend in SOCAL has become nearly deaf in one ear over the last few weeks.  She says the sounds she does hear, including her voice, causes pain, dizziness, and never ending headaches.  Her condition has not been diagnosed but is on steroids and anti-viral medication.  So far no change for the better.  She will have a MRI of her head on the fifth.  She hopes it identifies something which can be treated but reluctant to have head surgery.  So my thoughts and prayers are focused on her getting better before her strength and tolerance gives out.  She is single, lives alone, and tends to her mother who (89) is losing her eyesight and dealing with cancer which came out of remission.  I told her if surgery is the path she must take she was NOT going through it alone.  I am willing to be with her until she is well enough to be on her own.

Richard, i share your feelings about fall....  the colors are gorgeous here but it means winter is coming....

nice to know home values are good, in your neighborhood!  i only saw your main floor, but your place is hardly shabby -- beautiful wood floors and a spacious kitchen, with newly re-done steps and front?  it's all in how you market it.  ok, sure, you'll take a hit for the unfinished basement, but, really, it suits you & Sharon perfectly so for now, not to worry.

sad that your friend is going deaf, with such horrid symptoms.  yeah, steroids are what the docs do, when they don't know what else to do, sadly.  i'm proud of you, to learn that you're willing to become her caregiver if she needs surgical intervention; that's a wonderful gift for her! 

and it occurs to me to point out that if her mother's primary caregiver is out-of-commission, there are likely respite resources in SOCAL so that you don't have to take over "mom" as well, it'll just be a matter of locating those in whichever jurisdiction "mom" is in.  you may need to help with that, since she's in misery, but it must be so!  **couldn't help myself, there -- one caregiver to another....**

Thanks Lynn, I don't know the extent of care giving her mother requires at this point.  So I am guessing she can get by for a bit.  There are a couple other family members living real close by who could help out if they are forced.

There is so much that could be done to our home interior to make it more marketable.  We just don't have the energy and resources for such an adventure in dustopolis.  So we will finish up what we started and accept it as it will be when the time comes to move to "the home".  Hahaha!

wednesday, and the end of "summer" is 'way too close.

i checked out one of the local stores today, that i've wondered about.  it's a "grocery outlet" called SmartShopper.  looks like they sell a bit of fresh goods, plus overruns from local/small canneries and name brand products that didn't sell well, but the prices are between half and 2/3 of the chain stores.  so i did a bit of stocking up. 

i confess to being beyond anxious about personal safety, after this upcoming election.  not to mention the safety of my friends, scattered across the country.

while i personally believe that O is the better choice over control-freak-Romney/Ryan (never mind WarOnWomen issues), i am borderline paranoid enough to fear that the racists who are masquerading as the religious right will bring something between violence and anarchy if the election doesn't go their way, so i still need more "supplies" but i hope i can survive for the first few months, at least. 

i won't own a gun or a rifle.  if it comes to that, i'll take my chances, but otherwise, i DO intend to be prepared to survive a few months w/o ordinary infrastructure....  i wanted to be away from DC and its ever-present terror threats, but further thinking leads me to believe that, in a crunch, that may be the place where i'll survive the longest.

When I first moved here with Sharon I was quite apprehensive because of the crime reputation.  I soon realized that living on a well lit street on a bus route, blocks from fire and police stations made this place pretty safe.  So yeah DC may be the safest area in the region.  Then again, if the Romney/Ryan ticket isn't torn up in November who knows what to expect.

it's thursday, and my friend Donna emailed last nite to ask if she could come down from DC today, to try out a fairly new restaurant that's only open for dinner...well, i'm not one to turn down company for dinner, no matter what hoops i have to jump thru!  i had a conference call 'til 3:30 and she got here about 15 minutes later, we had an early (absolutely delicious) dinner, and she's halfway back home already.  a great day!

hope each of you, my friends, is enjoying your last week of summer!

How special is was for Donna to pop over to have dinner with you.  Glad you had a good day.  :)




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