TBD on Ning

Almost half over...how fast time flies when we are having fun. Really wish I were at the meetup...Looks as if they are having soooooooooooo much funnnnnnn....Have a month (or what is left of it) filled with LOVE and LAUGHTER

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Good morning all
Have been a slouch for the past few days. Just can't seem to get moving. Oh well, a time for rest is good sometimes. No news, I called and got a recorded message. So I just wait and see what happens. Am getting so excited about coming to Oregon. The way time is flying, won't be long now.
Hope you all have a day filled with love and laughter.

hi, Thalia!   that's no news on the Oregon job front, huh?  sigh. 

a couple days of "slouch" won't hurt you, but as you well know, it'll soon be time to break the cycle, and if you can't kick your own butt into gear, then you need to ask a friend to do it for you, LOL!  but you've been thru a LOT in the past few months, so i'm not feeling worried for you ... yet.

it's great that you have OR to look forward to.  I know seeing Star will be important, and i feel sure you'll enjoy your time w/ Richard and Sharon as much as i have!

Good morning, all!

do we think maybe Crystal dried up and blew away?  i know it's been brutal -- the weekend on a Lake Michigan beach must've seemed like winter, with everyone bundled up in sweats, after the 100º+ temps for weeks on end!

What day is it?  Oh yes, Sunday!  Hope you all are having a fun weekend, mine is ok, nothing special.

Friday night was the night my daughter's non-profit organization has their annual fund raiser.  This year was her turn in the dunk tank.  We bought tickets but didn't go due to the high heat and Friday night commuter traffic starts at noon bumper to bumper until 7:00.  If I couldn't be the first to dunk her it wouldn't be much fun for me.  Heheheheh  Note to self:  Buy a softball and practice for next year.

Good morning my friends
Cooler here so that is a good thing. Got out om my slouch mood yesterday. Went to a carnation festival and to eat with a friend. Listened to music and saw fireworks.
Got home to a phone call from my daughter. One of our friends hung herself on Friday. That makes two in a week. It is overwhelming to me to believe that some people do not see a reason to keep on keeping on. My heart is heavy today and their families are in my heart.
Have a fabulous Sunday filled with love and laughter.
Keep cool Richard. Cannot believe the Oregon temps. Yikes
And yes Lynn, no word on the job

I'm here....just been trying to recuperate from the lack of sleep the past week. The weekend started off with a lack of sleep getting up at 5 am to catch my flight. Too much fun and laughs during the time in Michigan City and then the catastrophe of travel so I have been being lazy in the evenings...if you can call supper with vendors and helping the announcer at the demo derby being lazy. 

Cooler weather has followed me home from Indiana and I am loving it!!

Have a fabulous day all.....

yay, Crystal's back.  glad you've recovered enuf to stop in -- you didn't get ANY time off for the past 2 weeks, i realize!  but glad you're okay.

Thalia, i am so sorry that you're coping with more death and dying.  suicides leave a different form of grief than illnesses and accidents, i think.  my heart goes out to you.  i spent a couple hours earlier talking w/ a friend who got laid off last month, and it's nearly regressed her back to where she was 10 years ago after her son committed suicide. so sad, and she has few friends....  she knows herself very well, and will eventually pull back out of this but it's brutal.  i am vastly relieved to read that you have un-slouched yourself, but bad news sure makes it harder, huh?

Richard, i'm stunned that you would seek to dunk your daughter.  ha!  too bad you guys couldn't make the event, it might have been fun, but yes, i can imagine sitting in traffic on I-5 would remove any possible joy in advance.  not to mention the risk of breakdown running a/c in that heat!  must be really brutal, and it's just hanging on and on and on....

me?  i got all my chores done yesterday (bed changed, groceries gotten), and finished the 3rd set of minutes from conference.  one more to go, and i hope i can get that finished this afternoon, 'cuz tomorrow's call will generate another set of notes to be massaged into minutes.  looks as if my workload will be doubling, even more than what the boss talked about at conference, but the timing's right so i'll just suck it up and keep typing....

hugs all around, my friends!

monday's here.  hard to believe school starts today, here in the county.  yikes, summer's passing quickly!  my grandkids don't start school until after Labor Day, but that's only 2 weeks away.

wishing each of you a good day, and a good week!

Yea school starts after labor day here too.  I am trying to sneak a more relaxing day out of today.  So far so good.  The weather has cooled down some...... the 80s is nice.

Monday evening and all is well except my laptop refuses to connect to the internet.  So I am squinting at my netbook until my IT guy (son) gets back to me. 

I have to admit the cooler weather is appealing as long as the sun is shining.  It started out to be overcast then the sun came out and warmed up to the low 80s.

Y'all have a groovy Tuesday.

will do my best to enjoy tuesday! glad it's cooler for you....

i'm sure you all saw this on my FB post, but i'll memorialize it here anyhow




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