TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Thanks Kittycat!

Afternoon folks....finally finding a moment to wander through the lodge. 

It has been a typical Tuesday morning around here, lots of vendors stopping in to bring new goodies for their booths.  First half day of school is tomorrow, yippee, the fall schedule will fill up quickly with football games and school functions. 

Going to sit and catch my breath, I head to the Orthopod Thursday, I am sure he will tell me I am fine and to suck it up and quit whining. LOL

Have a good one!!

coming up on the end of August, and settlement on my sister's house is Wednesday.  since i came to TBD at the point when i no longer needed to be her full time caregiver, maybe 3.5 years ago, this seems a really significant day.  not to mention, it'll let me close out the estate over the next few months.  yay!

Lynn, I'm happy to hear that you'll be able to finally close out the estate.  I remember how hard it was when I had my Mother's and my Aunt's estates to do back in '96.  Very trying and exausting emotionally. (((HUGS)))


RRC, Whine all you want.  If it hurts, it hurts!!! (((HUGS)))


Oh Hell...  ((((HUGS)))) for everybody!!! Have a great evening everyone... Muah!!

Lynn, good news on the estate!  

Good morning everyone, and here's hoping the rest of this work week goes by quickly.  I'm ready for the weekend already.

Cat, I have 4 hours left in my workweek. Then i start getting things ready for the trip to the WV Farm. Think I've decided to go up 81 to Wytheville, VA and then up 77 to Parkersburg. An easy two day trip. Plan to leave here on Tue the 6th. I bet Happy will be happy. I get to let him off leash a lot at the farm.

Good morning to everyone else. when you check in. RRC hope the pain gets less. If it doesn't, remember to apply lots of wine. Or is that spelled Whine?

good morning, Robbie and Cat, and the rest who'll be along soon!  i have miles to go, and all that, so am up 'way too early.

Robbie, you'll be getting off of I-81 a couple hours before the Staunton exit, so i won't see you, but sounds like you're gonna' have a short stay in WV since winter will soon drive you south again.

Good morning guys!  I can't seem to sleep in much lately.  So here I am..... ta daaaaah!!!   Everyone have a good day today.
good morning to you all
Good morning Robert have a good day.

First day of school!! And of course it is going to be 104 degrees, thank goodness it is only a half day today. 


Keep cool RRC.




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