TBD on Ning

It's back to work for everyone.....I can't wait until a holiday is on a different day than Monday so I can get an extra day off. 

Guess you all are already at work or sleeping late.

Tags: coffee?, sleepy, snoozy

Views: 18

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sleeping late is my norm, these days, and it's delightful!  only rarely do i have to set an alarm clock, after nearly 50 years of living by them, and it's absolutely the best thing about retirement!

RRC, i can see why you'd like a holiday not on Monday, but the 4th is random, you just lucked out this year.  all those other holidays that got moved to Monday, well, what can i say.  Veteran's Day is the only hold-out -- it's on a Friday this year, but that's a l.o.n.g time away yet!

Can't wait to not wake up to the alarm at 4 a.m.!


Have a great day all!  Fortunately, around my office, after a holiday it takes everyone a day or two to get back into a routine.  Guessing it'll be an easy day here.

but Cat, you pretty much get up early on weekends, too -- i think you're one of those "morning lark" people!  still, it's nice to wake up w/o the jarring noise, for sure!

yes, Marty, i'm thinking that this site is going the way of its predecessors.  makes me sad.....


Makes me sad as well Lynn, what has happed to our great Moosies Crossing...oh well, things change, that is the one constant in our lives

yes, so true.  but we did find some good people who became friends, thanks first to the Daily Grind and then to the Lodge and its later versions, and to the Invisibles and then Lady G's place too.

so i'm glad it happened, i just hate to let it go.... FaceCrack isn't the same.

So true girls...I think it is also part of the summer time slump, lots of things to drag our attention away. But good friends will continue to hang together....but I sure miss those who have wandered to other places.




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