TBD on Ning

Here are directions I posted in respone to a request on the BBW group.

For your Alerts:
On the right side where your Inbox, alerts, Friend request are listed, then comes "Settings" ...click on that....then on the screen that comes up, on the left click on "Email" You will have a window that comes up and down the center a bunch of items listed and checked...just uncheck any that you feel aren't important to you. Like I only have Friend Reguest, Group Invitations, and Messages Sent to me checked...also if you don;t care for receiving any alerts...down at the bottom, don't forget to "Save"

For Chat
You click on the "Chat" up on top of your screen and it takes you to chat....then on the upper right side...near your "Sign Out" across the top bar, you will see 2 little icons....when you put your cursor there..use the one on the right...it says "Go Online" click on that and you are in chat....to leave...do the same thing...when your cursor is on it, it will say "Go offline" click and you are out of there.
To Private Chat with someone....on the right is a list of everyone in chat, go to the person you want to chat privately with and click on their name, below their name it will say "View Profile" or "Prvate Chat"...click on private chat...on the top bar (again) you will see that person name on the right...click on that and your private screen will come up ..... just start typing.....when you are done chatting with that person...click on the "X" up top by their name and the private chat goes away and you are back in the lobby.
I hope this helps everyone...I apoligize for not doing this earlier...there has just been so much to do.

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Wonderful help! Thank you Jan for taking the time to create this for us.




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