TBD on Ning

I wanted to warn everyone who has facebook.....someone sent me a video there and it contained a virus that got into my computer over the weekend.
So, for any of you receiving a video on facebook thru "Slide Funspace" from anyone...be very careful....that is how I got my virus.

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Thanks Jan, will let my daughter know...sorry about your virus
Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks for the info jan.
Thanks - made your message my status on there today - I have had one friend tell me her whole facebook was wiped out!
I hadn't heard anything about that...I had a virus at myspace also...my antvirus support sad myspace was bad for virus' and hackers.
Jan - Thanks for the warning! I just went through an experience whereby a "third party" entity allowed a bunch of virus's and such to get in my computer. End result: Frozen Computer - Geek Squad (at Best Buy) complete restoration - cost $300.00. I learned that I should "always" have my security software set not to allow third party sites to be allowed through other primary sites.
Is that an average amount to pay for you to have your virus gone?? I have the software and 2 years 24/7 protection for $299. I just call the support when there is a problem and they go through my computer...I have to allow sharing with them...and they are good...I feel with finding 2 virus's I got my money's worth already.
Jan - Can you share who or what the software is and where to get it? Thanks, Keith
Keith, its called Cyber Defender....you can go to their web site and get it....I check with both Consumer Reports and Cnet when I was looking for a anti-virus software...this one had the best recommendations
Thanks for the info Jan. I have fb, but i haven't come accross it yet. I will tell the kids and relatives of this delima.. I will copy uour email and show them. hope it is okay with you.




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