TBD on Ning

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She made a fool out of herself as usual.
I'm wondering: is this worse than a musician saying she's ashamed that the president comes from her state?

And why would you say something like that to anybody in the nation that is leading the cyber attacks on our government computers? Or does she have any idea about how the people in China are really treated?

I am in utter awe at the number of people giving her the "Way to go" crap on there. I'm doubting any of them really read it, just saw a litany of "Blah blah blah". I'm really worried about this slice of our nation, when was it wonderful to exhibit an encouragement to be brain damaged?
Oh good gawd, look that the ads the subject generated for the right hand bar! "Support the Employee Free Choice Act" "Sarah Palin Merchandise" "Tea Party T-Shirts"

Ad generator: Palin = IDIOT.
My first thought is she didn't write this speech, even though the title is "Sarah Palin: Thoughts from Hong Kong"
YAWN....you expected anything truly deep from this empty husk?
You're right. I should have realized that of all of the people in America, all of them, she would be the one to go out into the world and make a complete ass of herself and us. I hope the rest of the world realizes that the majority of us know she's a moron, that her fan club isn't as big as they sound.
I have to agree, John. I couldn't make it through the whole speech. Read enough to make me go here though. ;) http://www.votersforpeace.us/takeaction.php
Sarah will go anywhere for a free dinner.
Hey! That's not fair! Brittany went to rehab and is doing much better! How can you put her and Palin in the same catagory??? ;-)
Why...... is she even speaking to other countries on our behalf? How is she any expert? I didnt know that any Tom Dick or Harry could do that? Please.... Bush did enough damage, we certainly dont need her doing more damage.
It appears that she is so full of herself she has gone way over the edge. Unbelievable! McCain created a monster by having her as his running mate.




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