TBD on Ning

"Here is how racism finds expression in the United States in the
21st century. You can tell it is racism because the only thing that has
changed between that period when there was no protest and the current
one is the anxiety of a segment of the population because of race."

—Vernon Windsor blog post March 16, 20010

Fox News' Bret Baier interrupted President Obama so many times during Wednesday's interview
that Newsweek described the enounter as a "interrupt-a-thon."

Baier acknowledged his repeated interjections at the end of the interview, by
interrupting the president once more to apologize. Baier told Obama "I
apologize for interrupting you, sir. I tried to get the most for our
buck here."

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell said that he could not recall a reporter ever questioning or interrupting an American president
in such an aggressive way. Certainly, O'Donnell argued, Fox News never
took that approach with former President George W. Bush.

(Full article)


You have to know how many people of color (black people in particular) will
view this exchange. This is another example of how people of color are
slighted in ways that diminish the respect they have should be accorded
due to their office, their titles, or their accomplishments. All you
have to do is to look at how this same interviewer treated George W.
Bush to understand what is really going on here.

We have seen this kind of thing for years in both the South and the North. White
doctors are introduced as Dr. Smith, Dr. Bannock, and Dr. Taylor, while
the black doctor is introduced as "John," stripped of both his title and
the formality of his last name. This is no different. Nor can one
compare European style interviews with those in this country. They are
two separate traditions. The overall message is "you can be interrupted
because of who you are as opposed to who I am, and furthermore, I owe
you absolutely none of the deference normally afforded this office for
exactly the same reason."

Tags: America, Fox, News, common, honesty, politics, race, racism, sense

Views: 64

Replies to This Discussion

Don't you think this mishap obsecure your outlook towards blacks, and it is not too much of a stretch, not noticing the Fox Tabloid hosts contempt and racist approach to president Obama during the interview. Just a thought. (I want to underscore "the lose of a child is very difficult under any circmstances. I am sorry").
Yesterday, these law abiding tea party tugs were shouting racial slurs towards black congressmen and women in the capitol court yard. Ofcourse those tea baggers are not racists, since they have 6 black peoples among them. It is just the leftists imaginations.
People, unless true ideological conservatives call these people what they are- tuggish racists, there won't be real constructive and honest discussions. I might add, it is dangerous, there may be so many loose cannon Timothy McVeighs among them.
The reason I don't resopnd to you is because of your hateful condsending additude!
That's my whole point.our country has come a long way. To constantly hear that you don't like him because he's black demeans Obama. We should be looking at him as a man, not a black man. It shouldn't be wow a black man won.
I don't like Obama for political reason and it always has. The only time I even remember he is a black man is when someone brings it up. Everyone I know doesn't bring up that he is black when we discuss our country.
And I should be living a life of leisure in Bahia with a gorgeous lady on each arm. The operative phrase is "should be." That is not reality. Regardless of how things should be, the world we live in is the way things are. Your like or dislike of the president is not the issue. Nor is your feeling about his race.

When you talk to people face to face, it is unlikely that they bring up the fact that you are a woman in conversation. I would bet, however, that they have noticed that fact AND that they might take it into consideration in their conversation with you. This is no different.

People (mostly white) tend to think that because I address issues like this, I must see race in every encounter. That's silly. That said, if you're walking through a swamp in Brazil, it behooves you to know that you are in anaconda country and learn to read the signs. If a thirty-foot snake is not part of your everyday life, you may think the only things beneath the surface are frogs and insects. That could prove to be a fatal mistake. Awareness is the key.
Its his stand on abortion* the health care bill as it is now(no one should be forced to buy ins) I had a big problem with him going around saying he was sorry. His continuing of the tarp. Cash for junkers( that hurt more than helped)
How's that for starters. Its political.
You asked I answered! You see it one way I the other.
FOX once again showed its ass.
I most definatly agree. There is such a racist underlying base, that Fox and their mouth pieces and other hate spewing comentators play on for there own gain. Most of the groups that have sprouted in the last two years or since the President began his run for the office have couched there opposition as idealogical. Thus encompass many well meaning folks who really do disagree on those grounds. While in reallity are being sucked in by a bunch who will do anything to remove President Obama from office. That is what I find most scary. They have used any old or new conspiracy theory as cover, as you can read on the pages on our own site they are looking for any excuse to further their own goals.
I have come to the same conclusion, Bull.
Twaddle! I'd say the same thing to your face! I stand by what I said. Yes I can insult just like everyone else has, and I could use a few other words when it comes to certain people but I doubt want to offend the female dog population!
This topic is damaging to fighting the true racism in this country. If you don't see it,then it will take longert to end it.
I think this topic is essential for furthering the fight against racism in this country, for the reasons I have outlined in my earlier responses to you. I think it is too bad that we tend to veer off into interpersonal conflicts, but I recognize this is a controversial subject. I hope we can stay on topic.

I also hope that I have not insulted anyone in this discussion. It was not my intent to do so.




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